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Everything posted by sondreaune

  1. EN working really fast and smooth on my new iphone 13 pro. One bug though: If I change app, without quitting, the menu bar (three lines (side-bar) and the search icon) sometimes doesnt register touch when I return. It works if I restart.
  2. Macbook Air 2020: 10.25 has reduces Evernote CPU usage by miles - and both my battery and myself are grateful for your hard work! THANK YOU.
  3. ver. 10.15.6 Both with button or shortcut: "Move note" window selects notebook with arrows, but doesnt allow for "enter"-button before I select the correct notebook with cursor.
  4. I second this opinion. Templates are a massive producitivity-weapon, and I am dancing a big old "grant my wish" dance, in hopes of Evernote prioritizing Template-Smartness when they are done fixing major fixing.
  5. Agree! Please give grant us this freedom 😃
  6. I have so many personal templates that it would make my life 4% better if Evernote made sorting of personal templates possible. The best option imo would be if you could edit the "template gallery"; delete the templates you didn´t use, and add the personal ones you wanted.
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