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About ggrinton

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  1. I am also finding this problem trying to export to ENEX using Windows desktop. The log contains many messages byt the significant one seems to be: Could not fetch note. [Worker pool queue is full. [Task queue is at limit]]
  2. I am running version 10.60.4-win-ddl-public, and this has just started happening to me. Disk is being thrashed as described by other users. I have changed nothing recently, and am not runing any additonal anti-virus or similar software. Disappointing to come to the forum and find this appears to be such a well-known and long-standing issue. It clearly effects some users some of the time, but that is no excuse for inactiona s is documented here.
  3. Just adding my 2c worth here. I have seen this high activity in Resource Monitor and other tools, and am glad to have at last found that it is a real issue and not just a configuration problem of mine. Pleased to read that EN are addressing the issue. While I take the point made by @PinkElephant about the need to run from an SSD, as a matter of principle it is never good to have a task that is continually doing unnecessary IO. Certainly a product should not be designed to do that. To be generous, I assum it is a true "bug" or at least an "oversigt" in the design, and not a specific design feature. I look forward to a release with this issue resolved.
  4. Another user here who wants this functionality please.
  5. Thanks for this, jbenson2. That is really helpful. I am still searching for a way to (a) find who I shared a notebook with and (b) how to stop sharing a notebook. To gazumped: I have notebooks that have the icon to say they are shared, but when I use Modify Sharing on the notebook, no email addresses show up. So any suggestions about how to answer my questions above pls?
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