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Posts posted by StéphaneDeFrance

  1. @Koandco Oh nice, you had a reply. Well at least they acknowledge the issue, and they are working on it... I understand when you talk about "huge bug" treated as a little glitch. I didn't want to start a new thread, my problem is similar but not exactly the same. My note that wasn't found on Evernote web v10+ was 2 weeks old. I wonder if it's related. It would be nice if they would publish their roadmap for fixing search, so we know when we can switch back from legacy to v10+. A thorough search tool is indeed of paramount importance for a note taking app. If I want to forget a few things, old and new, I already have my brain.

    Good job opening a ticket about your problem and publishing the result. Interesting.

  2. @Mike P Thanks for the tip. I'm on EN web (legacy) now, my user name is at the bottom and "help" only takes me to https://help.evernote.com/hc/fr  No release notes in that menu, maybe they removed it. I still wonder if search works well in the web version between v10+ and legacy (when you untick the v10+ checkbox but don't choose "take me back to the old version").

    Sorry I'm pretty cautious so I'm not changing my version again to publish here the exact version of what I called "middle version" thanks to your tip. But I did notice differences from both v10+ and legacy.

  3. I'm here because I was looking for known search bugs. I'm on Evernote webapp, latest version. Not the first time I can't find something WHILE I KNOW IT'S THERE (I love how OP capitalized this). It happened today again. Unfortunately, the bug is not reproductible. Because after I catch EN red-handed (I found my note by other means), the search is then mysteriously fixed (as if I had told the algorithm, hey look, it was right there!). Why, idk. Maybe because the target note is now cached? For me, it was a 16 days old note. (but older false positives had appeared in search results, so...)

    Here is how I manually found the note : search had found another note which gave me a hint as to *when* I had written down what I needed to find. So I used the "note history" tool, and after several trial and error atempts, I squared down the time interval to 2 days.  Then I sorted all my notes by date, and could start manually searching everything from those 2 days (as if looking in a paper notebook of the past).

    And what I was sure was in my notes somewhere, was there, indeed. And no, the exact words I was looking for were not absent, they were there. When I did the search again, as mentioned above, search was fixed (a bit too late...). I was, not the first time, FURIOUS. Why spend dozens of hours building a huge personal database, if the app lies to me and tells me "no, your memory fools you, you think you have worked on this subject in the past, but you actually did not". So I wanted to use that frustration to take the leap to OneNote or Google Keep.

    Thanks to this thread, I'm giving EN another, other chance... I saw that even on the webapp, there's a checkbox one can untick to refuse the v+10 version. @DTLow you seem to say that search worked correctly before v10 (I hope so, been using EN since 2017 and I'm not sure search worked 100%)

    I think I have about 4000 notes. (which is under the 10k threshold mentioned in the "personals settings" page, but still a lot.

  4. just checking in, is this not solved yet?

    I wouldn't know because since then I have given up on Evernote's  windows app, aka virtual app (as opposed to the old native windows program) aka Electron app. I'm now on Firefox, on linux. The speed of EN webapp is amazing. (I just liked to have my EN windows separate from the browser, but heh, now I have tabs instead of windows)

    To be fair, I read that in a february or march update of Microsoft's .NET, they made improvements (aka changes) to the spell checking engine. This might be linked to the resurgence of the spell-checking problem in separate EN windows? idk.

  5. Same problem. Version 10.9.10. I actually didn't notice that the squiggly red lines hadn't reappeared in the main window, which I barely use.

    I was about to create a new topic, I didn't find a search box for searching threads. Maybe that's why I don't find the dozens of comments I was expecting, like there was, before the problem was fixed. Now the spell checking problem re-appeared. At least now I have a huge personal dictionary, that still works.

  6. 21 minutes ago, andreaswin said:

    No thanks, just give us the option to NOT have any spell checking at all, please. 

    Yes, I wanted to write "partial fix" but I was not sure if it means half fix. Adding words is pretty fun, especially when adding the words that only I use! I have added a few foreign (english) words and technical words ("https"...), but I won't add all the english dictionary, obviously, mostly for performance issues.

    Also I'm PREMIUM again now. Promises kept!

  7. On 1/12/2021 at 5:03 PM, Austin G said:

    I apologize for the delays folks. this is now scheduled for the 10.7 release. Will continue to post updates as I receive them. 

    I knew it was coming!! So for 2 months I've been aggressively clicking on "look for new updates" in the Win10 Microsoft Store. (for some reason, available updates can be there but not show up for up to a week)

    HERE IT COMES BABY !! 😀 🧡 🦄 😍 🤶 🎈 🙌 👍 👌 👏 😀 A FIX FOR THE SQUIGGLY RED LINES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think I will tell the story of that day (or that night..., it's 4am here) to my grand-kids one day!

    So many months of suffering but you did it guys !! 🎈 🙌 👍 👌 😀

    Sure, for people whose primary language is not english, a problem wil remain for notes written or copied from english.

    But apart from that, wew!! And all for free! 🧡

    DISCLAIMER : this is a non-ironic message. I am actually happy.

    And to say this thread started in October! I never rolled back to legacy, I kept the faith! 🙌  Sometimes you have to believe in people! I'll probably consider going back to PREMIUM as a thank you.

    I also learnt a few correct spellings (I'm the kind of person who always disables spellcheck everywhere, when possible)

  8. Last thing : one workaround is when your squiggly red note is in a detached window, you can press Ctrl+R and that will reload the note and the squiggly lines are gone. (Until you start editing again)

    Disclaimer : may depend on AB-Testing aka "experiments". If you have the option, it's in the help menu, near debugging. Shortcut is Ctrl+R. I'm on 10.5.7 btw. (spell-check fix still not announced in the "coming next" dialog)

    • Like 1
  9. I once almost shared that pov but S h a n e D didn't close that issue. I think he marked the thread as "accepted". Reminder that we're in "feature requests". The feature request was accepted by the admin.

    Now, we agree that this should not be a feature, just a priority bug. Sure, only 39 people in the world upvoted this "feature request". But you need extensive googling before finding this thread, there are TONS of other places where this topic is discussed. I'm seeing that some old users of EN have just created an account here (yes, you need a different account to post and vote here...), and God knows people hate creating new accounts.

    I'm pretty sure that lots of these new members of discussion.evernote have posted in this thread but they don't know that the most important thing is to go to the top of the thread, and upvote. So no, the EN team argument, once and often used, that only 39 people in the world are desperate for this "feature" is not valid. (second attempt to post this, now I copied to clipboard before losing all)

  10. On 10/26/2020 at 7:24 AM, metroappelsap said:

    I just installed Evernote Legacy, thanks for the link!

    I understand the reasoning of the dev team. Using the built-in Windows spellchecker saves maintenance. I think you can change the language of the spell checker by installing language packs and enabling multi-language support in the Windows settings. However: there is a major bug somewhere; turning off spell-check in Windows has no effect on Evernote! This is a killer for many people, as not everybody types plain text in Evernote. For example: code.

    Another tip is to use the web interface. There, spell-check can be disabled.

    Nah, your reasoning is wrong. You say, summary : << I understand that EN uses Windows built in spell-check, as it's easier. By the way, you can add languages to Windows. The only bug is : disabling Windows spell-check doesn't disable it in EN. >>

    Your premise is false.

    Evernote does *not* use Windows built-in spell-check. I extensively tested. It follows that no, adding language packs (I have always had 3 languages) does not change anything (for example I have english as a second language, and also as a language pack, and no the presence of the language pack doesn't fix the EN problem). I made very long posts on reddit explaining my few findings (with ProcessExplorer). For french they use an old open source dictionary, which is somewhere on the local hard drive, EN app folder. Old open-source dictionary. That's why the word "Facebook" is known, but not "Twitter". (not even Evernote is known, by the way). The first thing is that the new EN app is an Electron app. I even went to Electron's github to follow the spell-checker possible issues, or recently closed issues. More on reddit (including working workarounds). I just wanted to correct a few things here.

  11. On 10/15/2020 at 10:10 PM, t8769 said:

    Cannot remove spellcheck

    Yes, this is CRUCIAL.

    I found the EN team post that explains that EN doesn't have an internal spellchecker, it's the OS. Ok but I've *never* used the OS spellchecker. Does it mean I'd have to teach Microsoft Word all my fancy words? Or teach it to chrome? Is the new Evernote an Electron app based on chromium?

    Hell, I won't do that anyway.

    So now all my notes are stained EVERYWHERE with RED underline, like a schoolteacher came during the night and made 1 billion corrections, ERRONEOUS corrections to my notes. WARNING WARNING PROBLEM PROBLEM oh that WORD has a PROBLEM too.

  12. 2 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Hi. Were you copying and pasting from a web page into a new note? 


    > If I do that I get Paste / Select All / Paste as Plain Text

    Hey thanks a lot, that must be it! Coller en texte brut, paste as plain text. Thanks for the suggestions too, will try.

    I'm on Android 8, I wonder if they (Android) have fixed the truncated menus since then. Of course everything is developed in english and it seems they don't notice that with localization the space for some menus is too small.

    • Like 1
  13. Hi, I copied text (and more than text) on a web page and wanted to paste it to a note. I called the paste menu and saw an option I'm unfamiliar with. Can you help me guess what is that option? (I tried it but couldn't tell by using it). It's the third option. 1st : "PASTE" (in french). 2d : "SELECT ALL". (in french) 3d : "COLLER E...".

    - I ask this to "technical issues" because I didn't find a forum for android non technical issues
    - I ask to the english community because apparently there is no such community in french
    - I have googled extensively, to no avail.

    In french, "coller" means "paste". So my guesses are : PASTE EXTENDED, PASTE TOGETHER...
    My phone screen is 5'', not that small, but it's truncated (I even put my screen in landscape mode, still truncated). Another guess is that it's the option to paste and remove formatting. But apparently it didn't work with removing html and pictures.
    The guess would be easy if I saw that menu all the time on other android apps, but I've never had this truncated paste option in other apps.

    Can you help me guess what this option does exactly?

  14. On 6/11/2020 at 6:11 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Hi, and welcome to the forums.

      Thanks! (also to all) and for a clear and interesting answer. (sorry I had to leave for a few days)
      Maybe Android's design is to blame, as this function is said to be non-trivial in the built-in text editor. I guess that it's not at all in Google's interest to allow users to easily tell the difference between anchor text (especially when it's a fake short URL) and the real URL (often very long), as tracking is their business model.

      Most importantly, you guessed right, all I want is to clean URLs of the tracking parameters, on desktop I'm used to opening a notepad, and on Android, Evernote is my favorite notepad. But I never thought of your simple idea, to cut the URL and paste it in my browser's address bar, and clean it there. I just double checked, it works!

    • Like 1
  15. I can't edit (or remove) external links, that I copy-paste to Evernote for Android. For example : anchor text .
    On Android, apps don't give you a lot of control. So sometimes I need Evernote to have the power of a simple text editor, that will show me the difference between the claimed link e.g. http://foo.bar/foo and the real link, e.g. http://foo.bar/foo?your&name&address.
    When I paste a link inside an Evernote note, all I see is the anchor text. I can edit only the anchor text (title of the link), not the URL. When I long press on a link, I get the android menu : cut, copy, paste, select all, dictionary, translate. I looked in all menus, there's no option to edit or remove the link, like on the Windows app (Ctrl+K).
    So when I don't have a computer, I'm stuck.

    This is my 1st post, I don't know if it's a bug, a feature request or a simple "how to" for something that exists and works well but that I didn't find. I searched extensively, I didn't find an answer.

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