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Posts posted by sammy123

  1. @PinkElephant

    I finally found a solution, which is to use the keyboard maestro mouse click at found image action (in fact the action is not click “on” image, it is click with respect to image) to click 45 pixels above the Save Clip image, followed by ⌘←  to go to the start of the title. It works nicely and definitely speeds up my workflow.

    It takes advantage of the fact that the Save Clip image is large and bright green and therefore easy for keyboard maestro image recognition action to find.

    In the action, -45 means -45 below = 45 above the image.

    In the end, with one keyboard maestro macro and one keyboard shortcut, I can trigger the evernote web clipper and put the cursor at the start of the title line.

    thanks again very much for your reply.





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  2. Hello,

    When I use evernote web clipper in chrome for mac, I usually modify the title, notebook and tag. I see shortcuts for the tag and notebook, but can't find one to access the title field, which means that I have to click on the start of the field every time I clip info on a web page. It seems insignificant but is tedious when I have to do it many times a day.

    thanks in advance for your time and help

  3. Hello.

    My global  "Paste to Evernote" (⌃⌥ V in my EN Sys Pref)  shortcut , set in EN Preferences works fine with Chrome (Mac Mojave).


    With Safari. latest update, I get the error message below.


    I would like to know which Privacy/Security feature I should configure to give access. I have already given EN full disk access.


    thanks in advance for your time and help



  4. Hello,

    With UI Browser, I created the script below which expands / collapses the list of notebooks in the evernote sidebar. 

    Since the script was created with UI Browser, it is created within a certain 'window' (in fact a notebook window which carries the notebook name which is Templates for Letters and Emails. 

    I would like to generalize the script to work in any Evernote window (=notebook), ie not have in the script of window "Templates for Letters and Emails"

    I am an ignoramus. Please don't be too technical. 

    thanks in advance for your time and help


    use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
    use scripting additions
    -- Use this script as a wrapper for GUI Scripting statements when you are confident that GUI Scripting is available and enabled or that the user knows how to enable it if necessary
    activate application "Evernote"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Evernote"
            -- insert GUI Scripting statements here:
            click UI element 3 of UI element 1 of row 30 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window "Templates for Letters and Emails"
        end tell
    end tell


  5. @DTLow @gazumped @jefito

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    I am using EN for Mac (not windows).

    Do your comments still hold ?

    With both Dropbox and Time Machine, I can go back in time as restore data (or the 'state of the data')  as per a specific date and time. This type of backup/restore  must have a name. 

    I am trying to understand how advanced EN restore by sync is.

    Let's say that I leave on a 1-2 week trip, and a dummy in-law deletes all 15,000 notes,  500 folders and zillion tags, AND empty the trash, so that everything is permanently deleted, and to make things even more complicated he creates new notes and folders.

    I come back from my trip 1-2 weeks later. Can I ask the EN support team to restore the state of my EN notes, stacks, tags, hierarchy as it was 2 weeks previously ?

    thanks again very much

  6. Hello,

    Using EN Desktop for Mac

    In a previous email I ascertained that exported notes do not contain information about notebooks. Forum members kindly pointed me to the database folder.

    I looked at the database folder and find not reference to notebook names.

    Assuming that I back up the database folder, in case of a crisis, what would the procedure to recover my complete EN structure from that folder including all notebooks and the pre-existing distribution of notes in those notebooks.

    thanks in advance for your time and help

  7. Hello,

    In a previous email I ascertained that exported notes do not contain information about notebooks. Forum members kindly pointed me to the database folder.

    I looked at the database folder and find not reference to notebook names.

    Assuming that I back up the database folder, in case of a crisis, what would the procedure to recover my complete EN structure from that folder including all notebooks and the pre-existing distribution of notes in those notebooks.

    thanks in advance for your time and help

  8. Hello,

    I have approx 15,000 notes in 500 notebooks (premium accoun)

    I looked at exported .enex notes  with textedit. They contain info about title, tags, etc, but no mention of notebook name of structure let alone notebook hierarchy (stacks).

    In terms of disaster recovery, I would import all my exported notes (my Evernote 'backup') which Ev stores in a single 'import' folder.

    Am I expected to re-create 500 notebooks and redistribute 15,000 notes ?

    thanks in advance for your time and help

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