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Posts posted by Gazebo

  1. I am so sick of trying to make excuses for Evernote.

    I decided to get back to using Evernote as my main app, after thinking that the recent updates have made significant improvements. I was wrong.

    Yesterday: Needed to access some notes at work. I can only use web version at work. After 15 mins still hadn't opened.  It is not blocked by our servers. It just doesn't work. I did access the note I wanted on my iPhone and then had to email it to myself to be able to use it . Very inefficient.

    Today: I was at a meeting and decided to take notes on my android work phone. The app opened ok (though significantly slower than it opened 10 years ago) but notes corrupted as I wrote them (couldn't complete sentences, words added themselves to previous bullets for no reason) and I ended up moving to OneNote which was faultless. Even more inefficient.

    What is Evernote for any longer?

    I'm not interested in raising tickets - this used to be a fast and usable product and it has become unable to do its core function, surrounded by lots of non-core nonsense.

    I've continued to pay every year hoping it would get back to where it was, but it will never be as good as it was, and I have lost faith.

    I never thought Onenote would be preferable to Evernote. I used to be such an evangelist for Evernote, then I became an apologist, now I can no longer recommend it, and feel hoodwinked for having relied on it so much.

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  2. I think this is a far better Home Screen than the previous one.  Easy to add notes and easy to go to previous Notes or search.

    Looks very similar on my Iphone and my work Android phone and opens reasonably fast. Look and feel ties in with the web version (haven't tried it on Windows yet), so no complaints from me.

  3. @PinkElephant Completely agree that what EN are doing is chalk and cheese to Filmic, and I have no problem with paying for something that I use all of the time, particularly considering the amount of data and security required to maintain EN..

    EN was my lead app of choice since 2013 when I first started paying for it, but in recent years had to move to Onenote for work (EN blocked on servers) and phone apps became really cumbersome for personal stuff so it fell out of favour somewhat..

    As I said, pleasantly surprised by latest updates and hoping for a resurgence!

    • Like 1
  4. I bought the Filmic App a few years ago (significantly more expensive than competitors, but seemed to have more features).  About 12  months later (I presume when BS got involved) it moves to subscription which is three times the price I paid for a one time purchase.

    As an occasional video maker it's hard to make a case for a monthly sub, when you probably use it twice a year.

    I use Filmic Legacy (no updates, a bit like EN Legacy), but am now trying out Cinema P3, which is on a one off purchase basis.

    I dislike subs generally, but used EN enough in the past that it was worth the cost. Have used it less and less over the past five years, and really only pay still because I have 3358 notes.  Increasingly I am using Onenote, which has got better, while EN got worse.

    On a positive note have accessed EN today on my laptop for the first time in about three months and was pleasantly surprised.  Two or three updates, and seemed much faster on both Windows and i-phone. Hopefully it will get back to how good it was in 2014/5 when I relied on it for everything!


  5. This is mad. EN used to be usable on lower spec computers AND be much faster on all devices.

    It's becoming less Green Elephant, more White Elephant. I no longer use it for notes on the move, and have moved overto Onenote as its stable on phones and tablets, and am gradually reaching a point where I think I may drop EN altogether.

    Sad, as if it was as it was in 2015 it would still be my preferred notes app.

    • Like 1
  6. EN doesn't handle long form text very well, so my approach is to use an external app (Google Docs/Word) as the creation and editing tool and use EN as the document store.

    Also I find it's too frustrating trying to cut or extract text from EN to other apps due to the need to re-format each end.

    @Chanticrow My advice (as you are using Chromebook as one of your devices) would be to use Googledocs for drafting etc. Its as stable as EN, has all the formatting and can be used offline, I tend to just keep specific drafts or final versions in EN that might needed for reference.


    • Like 1
  7. @YAGraises good and legitimate points.  

    It's a notes app, so avoiding notes with lots of text absolutely scuppers it's purpose!

    EN used to be lightning fast on any device between 2013 (when I started using it) and until the "new improved" rewrite was released.

    Now it is just about ok on my iphone XR, slow on Windows, slow but usable on web and completely pointless on android.

    I don't use it for work any more, and use it less and less for personal stuff. Failing a massive improvement over the next 2-3 months I'll be migrating elsewhere permanently before too long.

    This used to be the best product out there. 


    • Like 3
  8. On 10.18 (which is better than 10.17), using on Samsung A21 mobile and Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet.

    About 3035 notes.

    I don't use offline folders. I use Legacy on my pc, bur mainly use Web day to day.

    Issues on Android

    - very slow input of notes on wifi or 4g

    - loss of notes when typing 

    - camera input terrible - range of problems either takes multiple images or none at all, vague on saving images to a note.

    - slow to open

    - slow to sync

    - search  nowhere close to as good on ios in terms of speed.

    I've been on EN since 2013, and am not keen on switching horses, but Onenote on Android wins at present.

    • Sad 3
  9. Agreed. Horrible, to the point of unworkable on Android, but OK on iphone.

    When I have tried rolling back Android versions they upgrade themselves after a time.  I have given up trying on Android and have moved fully to MS Onenote for work, so now only using EN for personal stuff.  

    I'd love to use EN for everything but we use Android phones and tablets for work, and the experience is just too slow.



  10. I am sorry to say this, as I have used EN form many years, but I have to agree.

    I have stopped using Evernote for work in the past few months  (though I keep trying).   I use a Galaxy Android Tablet for a lot of my mobile work, and even when connected to wifi I cant effectively make notes in meetings, and suffer crashes and loss of information.

    Our corporate preferred solution, OneNote, has none of these issues and works fine in the same situation, so its not about the device or connectivity.

    I lost half a meetings notes on EN a week and a half ago, bur luckily was able to open OneNote and catch up.  

    If it's not reliable, it's no use.  More and more I find myself using EN as a filing cabinet, but not for actually taking or creating notes.

    The old Android apps used to run fine on much slower devices with less memory (one of my smartphones was a Sony Experia back in 2013 and it was lightning fast and reliable then).

    I would add, I don't have the same problem with the IoS version on my iphone or with the Windows version on desktop.  The Web version is also acceptable, but Android is painful to the point of unusable.

    I thought the Android app made some steps forward a few months ago, but in active use it really hasn't.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I follow threads on here, having been an EN user since 2013, most of that time as premium.

    The last few months have been challenging with changes made not always effective, but the naysaying and doom-mongering is wearing. 

    Despite changes and lags the data has been rock-solid. Every change is adding or backfilling features. The web version is immeasurably improved, the IOS version (on iPhone) is now as fast as before and better laid out. The Windows version has got better, though still not quite as good as Legacy. 

    The thing we are seeing is incremental progress from a scorched earth rebuild. 

    I have been frustrated by some of the changes, but overall kudos to EN, Ian Small and the developers for taking a brave step and implementing it. I fully expect more improvements to come based on evidence of updates in the last 12 months.

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  12. I really DO like the home feature, but my frustration is the time it takes to open in Android now.

    I have circa 2500 notes, so not massive, and am running on a Samsung J6+ which isn't high end but is a decent enough mid market phone, and is company issue.

    From starting the app to being able to access notes is 23 seconds, then you need to open a note, which takes a further 11 seconds (just timed it on a random note) and thats over half a minute before anything can be achieved.

    The Samsung is my work phone.  Compare and contrast with my personal Iphone XR.  4 seconds to open the app, 1 second to open the same note.

    Then also compare with Onenote - which is the preferred corporate tool

    Samsung:  Opens app in 10 seconds, and opens a note in 1 second - so overall 20 seconds faster than EN on the same device 

    Iphone:  Opens app in 2 seconds, opens note when app open immediately - too fast to time.

    I want EN to be my main app, but this makes it very difficult to support.


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  13. I'd love to love the new EN.  I have been an evangelist for it in the past, but its reliance on web syncing all of the time means it is not as stable as it should be.  I am WFH today, so have good, fast internet. There have been no connection problems here today, but working in EN and suddenly a table I am working in disappeared and is replaced by an "Unable to Load" notification.

    I tried closing, re-opening etc and eventually I got most of it back, but the table is one that I need to update on site tomorrow on 4G and I'm very worried that it will do the same again.  

    I have been with EN as a Premium user since August 2013, so a lot of my personal and work life is in EN.  I have never had a problem with syncing or loss of data before. This is the second time since v10 that I have encountered this, and one of my main reasons to support EN was that it just worked.  Now it doesn't quite so well.

    I want to be loyal, and not have to mess around moving stuff to other apps.  Onenote looks nice, but seems to lack some of the speed that used to be the USP of EN.  I have looked at Nimbus, and like the look, tasks features etc, but I am worried that my data will be somewhere in Siberia.

    I really hope that there are upgrades soon as my subscription expires in May and at present I'm not inclined to renew.


  14. IMHO the Cloud is now a safer place for data resilience than your own hard drives.

    The business I work for now keeps all data in the cloud using Citrix for reasons of business continuity and risk management, but we are encouraged (but not forced) to use Onenote for our  personal work records,  this keeps the data within the domains paid for by the company.

    I still use Evernote for a lot of meeting notes and document scans as it is quicker to access than Onenote generally, but that is stuff that back in the day I would have written in a notebook and kept in my desk, so it has no real security risk attached to it.


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