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Posts posted by pkb

  1. hi @agsteeleand @jackbrucesimpson,


    I received the following reply from customer service. Bottom line is that it will be treated as a feature I guess. So no solution for now.

    Melvin D. (Evernote Help and Learning)

    Apr 16, 2021, 8:12 PDT

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for writing back to us.

    I acknowledge that you're unable to save your PDF files in your note as a PDF and it only shows a All files on your end and also having issues with opening your PDF files on your Evernote for Windows. We thank you for confirming this issue to us.

    We want to let you know that we can reproduce the said issue when saving a PDF file, it shows All files rather than PDF. Thanks for sharing this idea with me. I’ve gone ahead and made note of this for our development team. While we can’t commit to getting all feature requests into the product, we do rely on our community to tell us what they’d like to see in the future. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other ideas.

    I'm sorry to hear of your experience on PDF files attachment on your notes and I really appreciate the feedback. We strive to provide the most delightful customer experience possible, though it appears we did not quite meet your expectations in this case.

    I'll make sure to forward your feedback to our team so they're aware of your experience.

    Now, I will close this ticket, but if you have any other questions please reach out to me and I'll be more than happy to help.

    Stay safe!

    Best wishes,

    Melvin D.
    Customer Support Representative

  2. Hi @agsteele,

    Thank you for your reply. Lets tackle the "open pdf from the note" issue first. I made two snapshots so you can see what the problem is. When I drag a pdf or add it via the upload function I will be able to see the pdf in the note. I just cannot open it from the note in a pdf viewer and I also cannot save the pdf on my desktop. If I try that, it will say "all files" in stead of "pdf". So that must be the problem. But it used to work fine, suddenly it doesn't. And I don't know how to change it. Because there is not a space in between the actions were I can do something about it.




    Schermafbeelding 2021-04-07 125428.jpg

    Schermafbeelding 2021-04-07 125359.jpg

  3. Hi,

    PDF files I attache to a note will not open. I receive an error that the path is not found (see picture). It happens with a lot of attached PDF files. Also, if I make notes in a PDF file and I save the changes, it won't save it to the PDF file in the note. So I have to save it on my desktop and re upload it again, which is frustrating.

    The last time I reached out here I did not receive an answer. This time I would like that to be the case. I am a payed subscriber and I would like Evernote to function as it should. 



  4. Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately I still have to do the workaround, because pdf files don't generate a file location. So there is no recommended place were I can save it, which means it will be a random place like "my downloads" and this will not update the file in the note. The Mind manager files will be a different location every time, like you can see in the picture. I did not choose those locations, Evernote genereated them. A new location each time seems problamatic to me.

  5. Hi, I struggle with some attachement issues. I used to attach a pdf file to a note, open it from the note in adobe and then maken annotations with adobe. When I saved the pdf file, it would automatically choose the file location of the attachement of the pdf in the note. After the update, this location were I can save the pdf file is gone. So I checked it and the location were Evernote saves the attachements changes continuously for the same file. This was not the case before the update. The address on my windows laptop always began with C:\users\name\Evernote\Databases\Attachements\. After the update this is changed to C:\users\name\Appdata\Local\Temp\Attachements\and then a string of numbers with will change each time you open the attachement. (see picture)  So I have to save the attachement to a local folder on my laptop, remove the attachement from the note and attach the changed attachement to the note. I don't like this workaround. I use this a lot, not only with pdf files, but also with Mind Manager files, Word etc. So my workflow depends on the use of attachements in a note, opening them from the note and saving in to the note. 

    Is this a bug, is it something that will be fixed, or is it just part of the change?




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