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Posts posted by itoldusoandso

  1. Tremendous I must say. I just discovered the wheel. And it syncs too. Genious. ;) 


    The only issue I have is when typing in Evernote to get the shortcut, Evernote displays an overlay search suggestions box on top of it, so the text replacement snippet is underneath it. But it works by typing ttt[SPACE]. It's just if Ihad two different shortcuts saved which I use for Evernote, Ican't see what I am selecting. 

    Pic attached.


  2. I bet, in Evernote'sque fashion, they could add:

    1. Saved sarches

    2. Sticky notes

    3 Favorite notes

    4. Quik message box to send an email to Evernote recycle bin about how much I hate the new evernote.

    However, this doesn't come free. I suggest Evernote requires a subscrition to premium account to include the above. To skip the home screen entirely, a suscrition to premium account will also be required.

    The only item that I believe will be free is the message box. Free ;)


    • Like 1
  3. This is a unique situation. So yes they need what is called ***ambassadors*** talking here. Not programmers and developers.. these guys should sit still and churn lines of code and fish those bugs. By all respect, if you know what is a programming job about, you know. No time to read posts here. But an ambassador is somebody who can at least communicate to users (right now in this situation we don't even know if they even read the sugestion box).

    E.g. aknowledge, understand and keep the score of all the great suggestions here.  

    This forum is becoming grumpy as Reddit. Fortunately the mods here are nice people so they don't kick anybody out for not having enough karma.  But it's grumpy full of complains.  

    What we need is an IDEA board.  Structured place where we put ideas (and only ideas, not complains), there is voting system in place ...and .. the ambassador's engage .. with focus precisely on ideas.. not on issues or complains.  

    What we do is provide free labor/labour to Evenote. We don't get paid.  Yet it's a concept Evernote needs to grasp.

    Easy peasy.  Evernote.  Are you listening. 

    I'm not going to send you another email because I already send a gazillion emails to you and I'm likely on the no-fly list there.  Good I'm using another nickname or they may freeze my accounts for abusing their email box 😀


  4. On 4/17/2021 at 8:57 AM, Wanderling Reborn said:

    I make extensive use of AutoHotKey on Windows, keyboard shortcuts in iOS, and AutoKey on Linux to speed up typing often used phrases. E.g. type “qii” and get “Intitle”. I am sure something like that exists for Android too. No reason to program this into the service itself.

    Right.  So all platforms except iOS are fine, there are options.   

    Thanks Tomball for responding and particular @aukirk tip solves the issue for me. Most of searching happens on iPad for me anyways.

    Still, I believe, Evernote should have included the shortcut somewhere. There are plenty of shortcuts which would great if I could type quick Boolean expression on ad-hoc basis whenever I want ... without need to give Evenote come coursing words. 

    These are perhaps areas Evenore should have invested instead of plenty of tchotchkes over the years. 

  5. On 4/17/2021 at 10:13 AM, rrob said:

    just for context, I have a convention that the first line of every one of my notes is the key terms; I call them search terms.  then I don't need intitle.  For most of the cases where I do want intitle (my titles are structured for lex sorting and readability), I have a saved search.

    Interesting.  I'll give it a thought.  Should have made better choices but now I have 30,000 notes. Hard to change bad habits 😉

  6. On 4/16/2021 at 8:28 AM, MvdH said:

    I use PhraseExpress

    It's the same method as TextExpander on ios, right? You have to actually run the keyboard to be able to have it replace the shortcut on iOS. Correct?

    The non-ios keyboards suck, all of them, including PhraseExpress, they are junk, except maybe for Microsoft SwiftKey and Google gboard but both these don't have any macro function in. 

  7. INTITLE: is by far the most used search expression in Evernote search.  I rely on search by name of the note beause the note titles include my keyterms. 

    So every time I am going to search, I need to type into the search box "intitle:". 

    I would probably type it maybe 5,000 times over a period of one year. On the mobile device typing it in correctly without typos, take about 3-5 seconds.

    That means potentially I would spend 7 HOURS per year (1 full working 8-hour days per year) just for typing in the word "INTITLE:"

    Why didn't Evernote make the search expressions more accessible, instead they consider them secret my guess. By accessible I mean, why not incude a shortcut that would populate the search field with "intitle:" .. or better yet, just add a SWITCH in search box (or at the very very minimum in the Filter tool) of the search. 

    The reason I am saying I WOULD spend 7 hours per year is because I use Textpander on iOS and Texpand on Android. But the iOS doesn't allow overlay apps so have to switch the keyboard all the time and it's countraproductive. 

    So really wish Evernote included the shortcut somewhere near the search box typing field. It's a quite simple design change.

    I do a lot of searches and that's is the main reason I am sticking with Evernote because it is the note-taking app with a far superior search than any other similar product on the market. 

    Somebody would argue, because I am doing search so often, it's because my notes are not organized and I should be using folders and tags. Well I am already using folders and tags, Ihave about 100 folders and dozens of tags already. I have about 1000 of different search expressions so I would need to have 1000 tags and scrolling through them makes no sense. So search is by far the most effective way to get the information I need (I save the most frequent searches, yes).

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 3/15/2021 at 9:29 PM, PinkElephant said:

    EN mobile 10.5. 

    iOS is slowly getting better now 10.7 .

    But I am talking Android and my Android devices haven't seen any udates for me at least, Iam still on, both Android 9 and 8 show for me the latest version available is stuck on 8.13.3.  What's the minimum Andoid requirement to get EN 10.5 on Android?

  9. Not for me.  I'm on Chrome.  It just says ... Evernote not available on mobile browser on phone, please download the app from the play store. 

    Attached is the screen pic what it looks like. 

    (2) Update.. since you suggeeted you can access it, i tried Evernote using obscure browsers and didn't work and then I turned on "desktop view" and yes in fact now it shows.  

    Evernote is misinforming then. If Evernote web works under forced desktop mode then it shouldn't be kept a secret. 

    I'm sure this didn't work a few years ago because it didn't but now at least the page renders if I use forced desktop mode.  

    So that's a positive.  At least it works now. But I don't know if people are aware.  

    However the design should allow accessing Evernote over regular Chrome based web browser on mobile phone without the desktop mode. Every page I can think of can render in mobile browser.  


  10. Evernote Web was discontinued for mobile device. 

    Till today have no idea why Evernote would have decided to do such a move.  When it happend I didn't know about it until one day stranded abroad on an airport I needed to access EN on a tablet where I didn't have EN client installed.

    I had no access to cheap networks, no SIM card (I was in transit) and the place had slow public Wifi. 

    Very ideal place to access personal notes. I ended up paying for network by megabite of my roaming connection and it was costing me in excess of 100 dollar. 

    Times have moved and we do have cheap roaming plans. 

    However, the point is there is no reason for Evernote to not provide access to Evernote via the standard mobile browser.

    I do not care for the bells and whisles, if all need is basic functions, so read only would be perfectly fine.

    I know this topic was beaten up in the forum here in the past, so expect no less than the mods moving this topic at the end of another old thread - in the junk yard of the forum, all to make sure there is only smile and shunshine.

    Did I have access the EN web over mobile device, I wouldn't need to download client, then download index and sync etc... all for what, I access one note I needed. Would have saved me time and data.

    Since EN is selling us on the new redesigned experience, I am patiently willing to suffer and wait as many of us do because many of us have been here for long time.

    Since EN has the new client that should be compatible accross the board and look same on any device and the browser - I see ZERO reason why EN should continue to refuse to give us web access on mobile devices. 

    And - please I do not need to hear lessons about how much less fucntionality I will get if I access EN on mobile device using a browser. 

    If I am willing to suffer through this all with EN, I am more than ready to live up to the limits of a mobile interface on a browser on a mobile device. Believe me.




  11. On 3/30/2021 at 8:44 AM, DTLow said:

    The app is password protected    
    You have to enter userid/password to access your data

    Strenght of the password has a direct impact in the scenario where you only use Evernote client to access notes, you only use it at locations you trust (your devices) and you trust Evernote is doing their part in keeping data safe as according to best pracctices possible. 

    The strenght of the password has almost negligable relevance on the other sigificant points I made in the follow up post.

  12. If I am on a limited account with max 2 devices, but want to change the password, I can't do that on Evernote site without first having to drop a device.

    They should just let me access that settings page and let me change my password.

    Add there somewhere on that message a link to settings page. It's completely unnecessary to drop a device only to change the password. That discourages people from changing the password frequent enough if I have to go through the process of logging in enter 2FA etc.. plus occasionally Evernote app there is an issue with sync, which usually resolves itself.

    Just let us change our passwords. Don't be an evil.

    Pic attached.



  13. 1. How about the risk of the remote (but not impossible) chance of Evernote getting somehow exposed and getting hacked and perhaps somehow data and hashed passwords leaking.

    2. How about 3rd party apps?  I have plenty of apps accessing Evernote... Zapier, Integromat, apps on mobile devices, integration with storage services online etc.. Total of dozen or more outside services and tools accessing my Evernote account. Dropping them is not a option.

    So what do you propose? Still to keep one account with my whole life in one account? I doubt.


    3. Ok, I throw another wrench. Emergency access to Evernote account on a public computer while travelling.

  14. The Subforums in the forum have a little bit weird labels.  Don't they? If I have a question how to use Evernote or figure out best-practice, then the names of the subforums would make sense. If I have an issue with the account, then it doesn't make sense to have to pick any of the subforums (none / or all of them apply?).


    Anyhow .. here is the issue with the login:

    Why does let Evernote let the user client account without confirming email address first?  This is what I have done on Evernote Android... enter whatever email and password and account is created. Wouldn't Evernote have to deal with spam like that? 

    The issue is if I create an account but the email is wrong, and later forget the password, I will not be able to recover the account because, yeh, the email was entered wrong.

    So I could for example enter NAME.NAME@GMAAAIL.COM by mistake instead of Gmail when creating new account. Evernote doesn't let me to verity it, I add 100's of notes and later if I lose the account password, there is no way to recover it because I entered email wrong.

    It's not the best practice I believe.

    And if I remember correctly there were some users ... recently... who for some reasons were locked out of the account through error by Evernote... yet, they used carelessly some email address that didn't work when they were trying to recover Evernote account.

    Suggest Evernote will change the login process and require email confirmation before the account is created.

    I think this is the standard practice everywhere so I wonder why is Evernote not following it.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, DTLow said:

    Personally, I use the official Evernote Legacy application, supplemented with AppleScript (Mac)

    I do have 2 accounts I run side by side on my machine, so that's where the Alternate client came handy to run beside Evernote. I didn't know I can install them side by side without creating a mess with the database.  I thought having 2 Evernote installations wasn't possible. (while there are work-arounds with 2nd start-as-another-user etc, that's true)

  16. I do have multiple accounts with Evernote. Who doesn't? And I do get free ride. The main reason for me to have multiple accounts is security and privacy. I keep stuff in a few separate accounts... Personal, Interests, Work and Junk that way if something somewhere leaks, at least is my exposure lower. 

    My total monthly uploads are well below 60 Mb but I do have about 5,000 mostly text notes across my accounts. My personal wikipedia so to speak.

    The issue: 

    The issue with Evernote pricing is it doesn't allow me to contribute to Evernote development. At the current prices, I would need to fork out about $40 per month. 

    Suggestion is have a Start account for example for 0.99 or 1.99 or 2.99 or whatever symbolic price to pay for a little more perk (e.g. 100 mb per month instead of 60 mb or to be able to search within PDFs and documents etc). And I will be more than happy to pay for all my 4 accounts, because I do like Evernote and I want this company to continue to thrive and to invest in security, in technology and hiring people. 


  17. Here is a list of client applications I know about that can to some extend replace (or accompany) the official Evernote application... till they fix the serious issues, or perhaps you decide to use them always. 

    I do not have a Windows computer so I don't have experience with any Windows client out there. Perhaps anybody can share what Evernote client they use for Windows?







    StickyText, EveryEver



    Evernote Widget

    Gone from the store but you can still find it as APK.

    There are several note taking apps designed to create and push notes to Evernote. I am not going into these because there are a few choices and they are similar.

    Examples: BridgeEver 


    The most difficult to replace is on iOS. You may need to create Janapese Apple Store user account to get them:





    SlimLink (works on iOS but doesn't seem to work well on Android at the moment)





    For creating notes there are several options...

    TextEver, SnapWriter, Qisa


    Hope this helps if you look to have alternative clients.


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