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Posts posted by itoldusoandso

  1. Notes in a Shared notebook (shared from somebody else) are not visible within All Notes.

    I checked the issue is on any Android device with different versions of Evernote, same issue. 

    There is no issue at all on iOS / Mac /PC. Only Android is affected by that.

    I tried to resynch notes, delete the Android apps and again etc...same. Doesn't help.

    Is this a limitation of Android version of Evernote?

  2. One way for Evernote to deal with the problem would be to divide the notes into sections and only update the sections of the note that have changed instead of reloading the whole note. For example Elasticsearch documents are updated with Update or Insert (upsert) commands and it updates only fields that have changed. So why not create chunks of a note, if a 20 mb note can be divided into 20 chunks, it would speed up loading and updating the notes since notes are already present in the cache.

    • Like 1
  3. I measured how long it takes to open notes with larger sizes. Average load times of notes on iOS app: 11Mb note = 30 seconds, 22 Mb note = 80 seconds ...

    And of course, if the notebook is shared, you get the benefit of repeat, meaning every time you touch the note (return to see the note) it will again take same amount of time to load.

    I really hope a miracle is going to happen and the loading times get better. 

    My network speed is 90mbs down, 17 mbs up, so it is unlikely the issue. 

    iOS  14.4,



    • Sad 2
  4. I don't see how to add a shortcut on home screen to a specific note. It used to be I was able to create a shortcut either using the app or 3rd party app or was it Apple Shortcuts (I don't remember) but since recently (I guess since Electron release), my shortcuts to notes stopped working.

    The shortcut now opens Evernote but interface with the list of notes, but the actual note is no longer loading. 

    Does anybody use shortcuts on home screen? How to add?  I don't want to go through the browser first to open the shortcut. It used to work with an internal link that opens the Evernote note directly.

    Doesn't seem to work anymore. 

    • Like 1
  5. I wasn't rude at all, what I did is take screenshots of all the issues I had with regard to Evernote not loading notes or other errors, including a message telling me to "try again later".  Maybe somebody didn't like the fact I made EN look bad just by reporting on things that do not work.  I didn't keep a copy of the screenshots. Since last week it has been stable but when the issues come it's when one is in hurry most.

    What I noticed also another issue I didn't report is before the last version is notes in shared notebooks didn't load sometimes. The issue with very slow loading notes even very small notes with a few words still remains. I guess I need to buy the latest hardware if I don't like it. 

    I can reproduce errors all the time. Just clicking on the devices in Evernote menu gives another error message see attached. That is something I can't fix for them, it's part of the configuration and not a note.

    I am pretty passive happy camper and always happy with the basics. So if the basics don't work my fur gets ruffled right away. Just give me fast basic notes. I value Evernote for search capabilities is close to none. I looked at several other alternatives but nothing would satisfy. I don't care about all those chotchkies that Evernote is trying to give us.

    I added more screenshots in the post that was deleted for mysterious reasons..  So unless I was high smoking something I didn't noticed I deleted it while falling on the keyboard asleep, I don't know why it would be deleted.


    Thanks for your commitment and contributions.


  6. If you don't mind Google and if you are staying in Evernote and online most of the time, you may want to consider a chromebook. That would have been my nr. 1 choice today if I was going to shop. I have all platforms at home and I bought Google Chromebook for my parents, and boy, I was hooked on that machine right away. Evernote now trying to build the apps on the common code with the web so while apps suck when they run in legacy environments, it performs well on Android and Browser environment - go figure. 

    If you source Chromebook, I would strongly recommend going with 16 gb ram at minimum and recommend top of the line Google or Samsung chromebook for performance. 

  7. I posted report about issues with iOS with screenshots and the post was deleted and I don't have access anymore, it seems it's blocked. I don't have even access to the post anymore. I tried different browsers, different accounts even from different network. 

    A few month earlier I posted about a different incident where I was coming from Google Search and I wasn't allowed to view Evernote forum public post without first login into Evernote forum.

    Seems Evernote drowning under stockpile of unresolved self-inflicted problems. 

    Here are screenshots of my own post where I talk about the issues and I can't access anymore. I am able to access all of my other posts I have done on Evernote (going from my profile) but not this one. 

    Evernote team doesn't like my tone?

    Yes, you guess, I am impatient when this madness with Evernote is going to stop. 




  8. Not sure what prompted change for Evernote to hide the forum posts behind login wall in Google search results. Every public forum post on one of these boards and indexed in Google search and showing on Google search results takes me to page asks me to login into Evernote first before I can see the forum post.  That's a strange decision. I wonder if Google is going to suppress the results at some point of time making it harder to find answers to questions typed on Google search. Even posts like these are hidden beyond login wall..

    I don't see the point. 



  9. OK there are several issues with the new version, I think they were listed earlier.. slowness, can't find notes.  Wondering when is the update coming to fix things. I already removed and reinstalled and still same. I do like the design of the new iOS app, but if this is the way the developers are going to release the apps, without proper testing, I am going to say they need to go back to school.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Hi, Does it mean the 3rd party apps will be also affected?  I use EN on iPad and Macbook client only. Don't use web. So 2 clients total. However, On my iPad I also have 3rd party apps installed that do connect to Evernote. For one of the apps I have a subscription due so I am concerned whether I should renew the subscription or not. Are the iOS 3rd party clients going to be affected?  The subscription renewal is due tomorrow so I wanted to check here if anybody knows.  I don't want to renew it only to find I can't use the 3rd party apps due to the device limit. Some of the apps I have:





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