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  1. Keen to know your impressions of UpNote! Please post!
  2. Absolutely right. Upgrades and adding features is one thing -- I can choose not to use something that is newly introduced. But automatic and irreversible changes to the appearance of the content that we have created according to old parameters is unacceptable. Evernote should respect their users right to preserve a style of working that their own software has helped them formulate. Any changes should be options, not fiat. Users have the right to a simple unformatted note!
  3. I too really hope the backslash to insert function is removed or made optional. Ctrl+/ would be more logical. Using backslash in normal everyday writing is very common and is surely more of a priority for the majority than the dubious need to insert some doodad every second sentence. Why is there a whole simple keypress dedicated to this. Very annoying with all the popup windows it throws up every time. Evernote! Please let us type!
  4. adding my voice to this call for a downplayed SHARE button. it's painful on the eye especially in dark mode
  5. agree that both the popup and icon are distracting and unnecessary. this function should not be emphasized to this extent. it should have the same priority as other options and no more. better still allow us to turn it off entirely. some people are just spooked and annoyed by the whole phenomenon.
  6. this is a huge relief. thanks Evernote for being responsive to user requests! ❤️
  7. I also have the problem of the backlink sending me to the linked note for a split-second before I am returned to the original note. This will be a great feature when this bug is fixed! Thanks Evernote!
  8. Apologies to all for my not having spotted the tiny down arrow which reveals the options for include/exclude sub-tags. Wouldn't it be nice if Evernote would remember what we last selected rather than forcing us to keep selecting the option we want every time we return to that tag!
  9. I like the idea of nested tags but I think that clicking on a parent tag to show all notes tagged with that tag should also show the tags nested underneath the 'parent' tag. Currently notes with nested tags do not show up when you click the parent tag to view all notes. If a tag is nested underneath a parent then it should be included in views when the parent tag is selected. Surely?!
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