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Magnus Møller Petersen

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Everything posted by Magnus Møller Petersen

  1. Evernote has an API, that can be used in Zapier, IFTTT, Shortcuts, and directly if one would like to. It would be great to see an update of it, but it's there. And it works. And a Raycast extension would use that API. I'm not expecting the Evernote team to do anything here other than provide the API. My question was to the community and to the users. My original question: Is anyone out there writing an Evernote Raycast extension?
  2. That's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about an extension for Raycast.
  3. Perhaps something a long these lines: Show the most recent notes, by create date and/or update date Show the notes in a specific notebook Search for a note, using text, tag, etc. Show notes with upcoming reminders Create a note Add current clipboard to Evernote Add current selected file in Finder to Evernote Show notes by specific search filter Have a menu bar item for Evernote in Raycast that lists recent notes, upcoming reminders, or something custom. And clicking on the notes will open them in Evernote locally.
  4. Would be cool, and great to have, an Evernote extension for Raycast.
  5. Hi, Does anyone know if MS 365 / Outlook calendar synchronisation will work again? Any timeline? I was part of the beta / alpha, and my account is still connected, but it's not sync'ing anymore, and I have no way of configuring the account. Does anyone have some juicy info on that?
  6. I play around with Obsidian regularly. My main issue with it is the markdown editor, where the layout bounces around when you move over links and headers and so on. Tables are horrible to edit as well. Even with plugins. And I think it's horrible that you have to manage the attachments as well, instead of being embedded in the notes as with evernote. But there's a lot to like otherwise. I tried to import all my evernote notes (from enex) the other day (5774 notes), and now Obsidian is slowly trying to index the files, and I can't even open my vault on my mobile 🤪
  7. What is missing? There are plenty of alternatives out there today. It's quite mind boggling (UpNote, Notesnook, OneNote, Obsidian, Notion, Craft, Bear, Apple Notes, Joplin, ... and the list goes on). I've tried a lot of them, but find myself going back to Evernote. Some are block editors, some are markdown editors, some do too little, some do too much (looking at you Notion), some are cheap, some are not. So I'm sure there's something out there that will fit your need, @RobertJLee 😀
  8. @scubayagi I've experienced these CPU spikes, and the Evernote render processes taking up a lot of CPU on my mac. And have reported it to support multiple times. As @PinkElephant mentions it seems to be related to some local data, and in particular related to Tasks as far as I can tell. I've experienced that I can't save a task from the tasks details box with the desktop app, even though I've completely reinstalled, and where it works fine on the web client. I've also reported this. My solution has been to use Unite to create a Evernote Web app on my mac, that basically just loads the web version of Evernote. It works fine as a temporary solution until 10.59 comes out -- or whatever versions comes out, that fixes this data issue. .
  9. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 🤘🏻 I'm currently finding myself using Unite to create a desktop app that simply accesses the web client of Evernote until 10.59 is released. I've lost one too many tasks to keep using 10.58 🤪
  10. Waiting patiently for this new version for desktop, which hopefully will fix the sync issues with notes and tasks...
  11. Yes. I experience this too. The only solution I've found is to quit the app, and open again. Sadly. I have reported this to support as well.
  12. No sure whether or not I would call it good UI, but it's nice that you have the links to go to your account for all the other settings. Eventually I guess some settings will be part of the app. But speaking of the UI in the settings. Visual elements are not aligned / sized similarly, and that just seems lazy to me from a development and design perspective. I've attached an image showing this. There are similar cases on the mobile app as well. That said, I love to have tasks in Evernote. Apart from the visual element weirdness, then the sync between devices is slow. In particular with tasks (eg. if I create a task on mobile, it takes forever to show up on desktop). I've reported this several times using the feedback functionality.
  13. I'm seeing the same thing. Sync on iOS is very slow and doesn't seem to happen automatically. Using the latest and greatest versions of EN everywhere. As an example I have a note I updated Friday after noon (it's now Sunday), where I added a new task to the note on my Macbook. This note has still not been updated on my iPhone, and I've tried to both pull down the list of notes, and also go and force a sync under settings. It doesn't work, and the note still hasn't been updated. In fact, most of my tasks on my iPhone still haven't been updated, and have wrong due dates and more because I updated those on my Macbook Friday afternoon too. As a user of tasks I can say that this is not a very good experience and kind of disturbs the workflow -- I simply cannot trust that my iPhone is up-to-date. It also impacts the iPhone widgets. They still show the not-up-to-date tasks.Which makes them rather useless 🤪 The web client of EN is up-to-date as well. It's the iPhone app that's stuck in the past 😂 I fondly remember that sync'ing was much more reliable in the past. EDIT: I've just deleted and re-isntalled Evernote on my iPhone, and now everything is up-to-date (which of course makes sense...)
  14. Thanks for the quick responses. Makes sense. Fingers crossed that it'll happen soon, and that they implement some performance fixes at the same time as well 😆
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