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Dean Dei Cas

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Posts posted by Dean Dei Cas

  1. I can't set my Evernote Android default notebook.  A number of Android Evernote bugs manifest themselves seeming due to inability. 

    Following these instructions [1], item 3 -- "Under 'Default Notebook,' select the notebook you'd like to set as your default" ....
    ... cause "Default Notebook" to be displayed. 
    ... Clicking "Default Notebook" displays the message ""Your default notebook is where your ..." 
    ... but there is no way provided to set/change the default notebook.

    Yes, I've uninstalled/reinstalled the Evernote app on the phone.

    [1] https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314728-Change-your-default-notebook

  2. When (on my Moto G phone) I …
    Click the “Evernote” icon.
    Click “New note” …
    … the Evernote app then displays a blank screen and freezes.
    Evernote works correctly from my PC.
    Yes, I have uninstalled the Evernote Android app / redownloaded & reinstalled the Evernote Android app / restarted the phone – the problem still occurs. Yes I have logged a trouble ticket with Evernote support.
    I am running Evernote for Android v. 10.89.1, freshly downloaded from the Goggle Play store.
  3. Four months ago I entered a trouble ticket <link> about a reproduceable bug in Evernote Windows's search functionality.  Evernote never so much as confirmed that they had reproduced the bug.  And then Evernote support closed the open, unresolved ticket.

    I can't reasonably expect Evernote to fix bugs on a timetable that *I* find convenient.  But closing an open, unresolved trouble ticket is an act of malfeasance. 

    How does one go about taking Evernote support to task for this matter?  

    • Sad 1
  4. In the Chrome browser, while browsing the web, I use the Evernote Clipper to clip a bookmark (e.g.  https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/140487-seemingly-strange-comment-from-evernote-support-on-the-capabilities-of-sync-ing/#comment-645598undefined).

    Problem:  In the Chrome browser Evernote Web does not show a new note corresponding to the clipped bookmark.  I refresh (repeatedly) the Chrome Evernote window but no new note appears.

    And here the strangeness starts ...
    I click sync in Evernote Legacy(Windows) and the new note is visible.
    I again refresh the Chrome Evernote window but no new note appears.

    I didn't think that the sequence of events that I describe above, given the way Evernote works, was possible.

    Any thoughts?

  5. @PinkElephant: Thank you for your response.

    I've followed your steps described above.
    Performed Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar.

    Performed: Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out.
    Restarted computer.
    Signed back in to Evernote
    Uninstalled Evernote Legacy(Windows) using Revo uninstaller.
    Uninstalled Evernote(v10 Windows) using Revo uninstaller.
    Reinstalled Evernote(v10 Windows)
    I observe that Evernote(v10 Windows) and Evernote(Web) note counts agree.
    But problems continue ...
    The "Evernote.exe" windows process will appear to be quesent. This is what I'd expect.
    Periodically the "Evernote.exe" windows process will rise to ~50% CPU usage and the client becomes unresponsive.
    There are recent errors in the Evernote log file.

  6. I suspect that I am having some sort of syn problem(s) that affects both Legacy AND v10.

    1) I observed that:
    Evernote(v10 Windows)reports that I have 8917 notes.
    Evernote(Web) reports that I have have 10304 notes.
    2) With a view toward fixing this problem I uninstalled/reinstalled Evernote(v10 Windows).
    3) The note count difference between Evernote(v10 Windows) and Evernote(Web) remains.
    4) Many on my recently created notes are not visible via Evernote(v10 Windows) and Evernote(v10 Windows) is effective not useable for me.

    I have submitted a new trouble ticket that describes the v10 without asking for any Legacy-related help.  


  7. @PinkElephant:  I am showing sync errors in my Evernote log.

    "[W]hat sort of support do [I] expect"?  I expect Evernote support to assist me in resolving those errors.  Isn't that what I am paying for?

    "[W]hat sort of support do [I] expect"?  I expect that if it is the case the Evernote is no longer providing ANY support for problems that manifest themselves via Evernote Legacy that they state that discontinued support clearly.




  8. @Shane D.—  Would you please look at my trouble ticket?  My most recent response from Evernote support includes "there are no further fixes for issues occurring in Evernote Legacy". 

    Am I to understand that Evernote support is now REFUSING to assist in resolving the problems that I am seeing via Evernote Legacy?  And that Evernote has dropped support for Evernote Legacy?

    I am not clear as to how I should proceed in addressing the Evernote problems that I am encountering.  I suspect that I am encountering sync problems that effect my use of Evernote Legacy(Windows) and Evernote V10 (Windows).

  9. @PinkElephant — I suspect that I am seeing multiple issues.  Woe is me!

    1) The description from Evernote support (quoted above) of Legacy & v10 sync-ing behaviors is just way WRONG.
    2) *I* have an Evernote Legacy (Windows) sync-ing problem as is evident from errors in my Evernote log file.
    3) *I* have (might have?) a problem with  "[Notes with lost resources]"  that might need to be addressed about which I have no idea how to proceed.
    4)  I hesitate to mention this now —because I want to first want to get Evernote Legacy (Windows) behaving correctly— but I observe WILD note count differences between Evernote(Web) and Evernote(V10 Windows).

    Yes, from the point of "the best strategy",  fixing all the problems with the Evernote (Legacy Windows) first (including the sync-errors) seems like the correct course of action.  Note that (unless I I've gotten something wrong)  I am not using a "local legacy database". 
    To my knowledge I have no notes containing new v10 content (e.g. Tasks).

  10. @Shane D. Thank you for your response.  This is the second time in two months that I have encountered an Evernote support representative that has been unable to understand my clear description of my Evernote problem(s) and response appropriately.  Does my support call need to be transferred to a different customer support agent?

    I suspect that a little strategizing over my Evernote problems needs to occur. 

    1) Does the within-Evernote-Legacy(Windows)  "Fix Lost Resources" and "[Notes with lost resources]" problem need to be addressed first?
    2) Or do my Evernote-Legacy(Windows) sync-ing problems that can be seen in my Evernote need to be addressed first?

    I infer that there is a proper sequence to be followed in diagnosing and fixing these problems.  True?


  11. Evernote support [1] just told me:
    "notes made on Evernote Legacy cannot be automatically synced to other devices since it is made on an older version of Evernote" and "Moreover, notes made on Evernote Legacy cannot be automatically synced to other devices since it is made on an older version of Evernote. If you wish to be able to sync your notes across all devices, I recommend that you only use the latest version of Evernote and not Legacy"

    This is totally different from my understanding of the way Evernote sync-ing works between platforms and Evernote versions.  Am I wrong?  Or is Evernote support wrong? 

    I suspect that @gazumped can offer some insight here.

    [1] The tale of woe that caused me to initiate the trouble ticket is probably beyond the scope of the narrow question above.

  12. @gazumped —Thank you for your response.  Perhaps, instead of "move from  Evernote Legacy to Evernote v10", I should have said "start using Evernote v10 instead of Evernote Legacy".  

    I will go through the HarmonEnterprises documents.  I am hoping to find, preemptively, documentation of the Legacy -> v10 Differences that I stumble over and then need to stumble through like:

    ) Where is the sync button?  [It has gone away and syncing occurs in the background]

    ) Where has the "All Notes" entry in the left part of the Window (an its total note count0 gone?  [<unknown>]

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  13. I am yet again attempting to move from  Evernote Legacy to Evernote v10.  I wonder if there is documentation on making the transition?  I have chronic performance problems with Legacy and I am hoping that v10 is no worse.  It is my inference that if I need to stumble-through Evernote problems then I may as well do it on the current version of the software.  True?

    I also wonder if there is documentation or informed commentary on how one would best make the decision to move from Legacy to v10.


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