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Jeremy England

Evernote Expert
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Posts posted by Jeremy England

  1. 12 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Whilst I agree that there should not,  in this day and age,  be a delay between online payment and activation,  this situation seems a bit like ordering a McDonalds from your local KFC.  While the companies might want to allow customers to order their food from whichever outlet is most convenient for them, it's inevitably going to take longer for the burger to arrive.

    Except in this analogy people are ordering like's a combination KFC/McDonald's because that's how they read the sign. But I don't think that's an Evernote problem, just more of an indicator of how likely people are coming into subscriptions via iOS. 

  2. On 8/29/2021 at 9:52 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Be happy you saved on Premium all the years.

    This tone is so condescending. I'm all for giving the company the benefit of the doubt, and I don't mind helping people to refocus their angry energy that comes into these forums, but I think @seebee's experience highlights how janky this whole experience can be. When people have to come onto the forums and ask "well is it the real real real premium, the original promotion premium, the new premium/personal, the super duper Apple special premium, or just the regular premium," it shows that whatever way things are being communicated are not good. 

    • Like 3
  3. On 6/26/2021 at 9:24 PM, Ian Small said:

    There is no such thing as a task as a "separate entity".  All tasks exist in notes.  You can create tasks direct from + icon at the top right of the Tasks drawer, but these aren't standalone tasks.  They end up in a full-fledged note as well (including a "default task note" we'll create called (in English) "Things to do" for all your tasks that don't have anywhere else to live).  But your default task note is a full-fledged note like any other - you can go edit it to your heart's content in the editor.

    Back to lurking

    I totally get that, but I think it’s confusing for a lot of people. I think the rub is that there is a missing workflow. As it stands now, one has to either be in a note and add a task there to give it detail or context, or one has to add the task to their catch all note, then navigate to that note separately. Once that note is added to the catch all note, it is more difficult than it needs to be to interact with it again. 

    I think that there needs to be a way to add context to a task at creation, the ability to create it as a new note and navigate to that note, or an option to add it to the catch all note.

    p.s. Thanks for dropping in! I got to brag to my wife that the Evernote CEO commented on my post.  (She didn’t think it was near as cool as I did lol)

    • Like 1
  4. I think some of the confusion is that Evernote jumped the gun in being able to create tasks as separate entities. If they had said tasks exists in notes only, there wouldn't be this confusion. As it stands now, you can create a task, but then you have to go in and backfill the information right away, or hope you remember when you see the task later.

    I currently am in the camp that tasks exists in notes, and not notes in tasks, unless the task becomes a completely new note at time of creation. 


  5. I will add some love too. It’s not so obvious in these general forums, but there are some great conversations happening in the beta forums. There are some staff members who are interacting, listening, and even implementing ideas from the community. (I’m taking credit for the template option in the iOS create button). 

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/23/2021 at 9:24 AM, MODUM said:

    I agree with Eamont. Saying it differently. When hovering over the new note icon I would like a choice of custom note options from " My Templates" gallery rather than the canned templates.

    Replace these. You can keep the blank note. 


    It’s not possible yet. Every time I get a chance, I mention it as a feature request.

  7. Are you just complaining to complain or do you want to look for solutions? 

    Do you do the article clipping or simplified article clipping? I find that doing the article clipping and then choosing only the sections I wants goes a long way to helping alleviate some formatting issues. A lot of it is the dynamicness (awful word I know) of the previewing in Evernote now. I think you'll be hard pressed to find anything much better out there. But maybe Evernote just isn't the app for you any longer. 

    If you're on Mac, the popular competitors are Devonthink Pro (huge learning curve), Keep It (extremely simple), Apple Notes (not as robust), Bear (primarily text based and organizes only on tags), and Notion (cross platform, but has some pretty big outages the past couple of weeks). 


  8. 19 hours ago, Paul A. said:

    It's good to see an acknowledgement that things are not all hunky dory, particularly amongst Evernote power user base (which I have to imagine makes up a significant portion of the paying subscribers).

    I imagine that "power users" (whatever that means to anyone) is not as significant as we think. They just happen to be the angriest when things go wrong. I also have to imagine that a lot of the users who are relying on the power use fringe cases are also not the same ones beta testing and willing to break their workflows, but they'll be the loudest when the changes come. 

    I would consider myself a power user, but not at the level of some of the people here. That means people will ask me questions about Evernote, I actually have a decent amount of structure, and I use keyboard shortcuts.

    I have sent emails like this before, and my take on it is that "we made some power users upset, sorry, but we're continuing on because we like what we're doing." I don't expect anything from their original plan to change. In the forums (especially the beta forums) I have seen staff responding, asking questions, and seeking follow up. Everything that Ian said in terms of balancing the rollout of new features while developing new features has basically been said by various staff members. This is just the CEO having to step in to placate the masses. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, MrIllustrator said:

    I simply cannot understand your statement, what on earth is there to be excited about? Please explain how a truly awful “upgrade” to a formally brilliant app is exciting, how utterly destroying perfectly good workflows and complete disregard for existing users is a good thing and exciting?

    I don't think it's a truly awful upgrade. I enjoy the cross platform unifying in look. I enjoy the ability to drag and drop bullet points, I enjoy the ability to input headers with a '#', I enjoy the simplification of fonts, and I even enjoy the tags on the bottom. I enjoy the new "New Note" button and the ability to add a template right off the bat. I enjoy that the service Filterize still works. Reminders picker is better and the ability to view my tag hierarchy on my iPhone is long overdue and appreciated.

    So if I'm being selfish, as most of you are, my workflow was not interrupted. It was enhanced. 

    I trust the direction Evernote is headed at this point. I think Ian has done a good job of expressing the vision, and holding to that. I am confident that they have enough data to understand what their users do and do not use. I was about to leave Evernote right before the first "behind the scene" video came out. It was enough to keep me around because I saw a company with a committed leader. 

    At this point in my life, I'm ok with where I'm at with Evernote. I get it that you're not, and maybe one day I wont' be, but until then, I'm excited. 

    • Like 5
  10. I don't get what you're trying to do here. Who cares if you're leaving? This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departures. You don't think people have already decided to leave if they're unhappy? Are you staging a coup? 

    Despite others being upset, I am extremely excited about these updates. Just move on and stop filling the forums with your negative attitude. 

    • Like 4
  11. @Shane D., the Drafts app is an inspiration. I have a button for a quick voice draft, typed draft, a shortcut to my inbox, and a shortcut to a specific workspace. I have attached a quick little video to show you how I currently have it set up. 

    I think I would use it for quick capture (kind of like the menu bar app on Mac), quick scan, jump to my inbox, a specific saved search or notebook. It may be nice to see a reminders widget for upcoming reminders. 

    These are just some off the top of my head that I know I would use for sure. 


    • Like 1
  12. I have a note that the the title is not being found via search. If I search anything from the body of the note, it's not a problem to show up, just the title. The first image shows the note existing in the browser, the second image is searching the title, the third image is doing the same search on the Mac Client (where it appears via search). 

    Using Safari Version 12.1.1 (14607.

    Image 1:

    Image 1


    Image 2:

    Image 2

    Image 3:

    Image 3

  13. I tried TSW as well and it seemed so much work to just remember all the tags and moving parts. It was hard for me to visualize the moving parts in the tags and notebooks. I use Trello with the Evernote power up which allows me to attach notes to those cards. I can then prioritize cards into lists and move them a little more dynamically for my brain. 

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