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Everything posted by vancinad

  1. The new Home window is unavoidable, useless, and insulting in that if I want to customize it to make it less useless, I have to pay more. (I'm a Plus subscriber.) I find myself using Evernote less and less and less every month that goes by. Soon it's not going to be worth the money or, more importantly, the aggravation. Please, please, PLEASE make this go away! The past year's UI changes have been a disaster. I can't imagine what the UX team is thinking, or even what planet they're on.
  2. The new Home window is unavoidable, useless, and insulting in that if you want to customize it to make it less useless, you have to pay more. (I'm a Plus subscriber.) I find myself using Evernote less and less and less every month that goes by. Soon it's not going to be worth the money or, more importantly, the aggravation.
  3. All good points, gents. Thank you. If there's a way to quickly revoke shares once they're found this will be a big help.
  4. I think we need a way to revoke sharing for notes en masse. If there's a person I no longer want to share with, or a notebook/tag I no longer want shared, or I want to revoke all "bearer" links (anyone with the link can view), etc... there should be a quick way of doing that. As is, I don't even know how I'd determine quickly what notes are shared, much less with whom, and then how to cancel those shares other than going through every note manually. This seems like an important security item. Does anyone agree? Is there a solution already that I'm just not aware of?
  5. This is a really unnecessary irritant. The "Note" menu should have a "Delete" item in it. Also, there needs to be a "Delete" item in the context menu when a note is right-clicked from the note list view. "Move to Trash" is unnecessarily wordy and simply not what one is naturally looking for. It's easy to overlook when one has not made the mental context switch -- "Oh, I'm in Evernote now, so I have to look for different things than for every other program on my desktop." Really poor UX, IMO.
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