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  1. I'm on Plus plan and have been using the Legacy app. For the first time I installed the new Evernote 10, thinking to check it out and possibly upgrade to the new Personal plan. OMG!!!!!! The new app is soooo bad, that I have no words to describe it! Selecting 5 lines of text and right mouse click takes 5 seconds on my fairly fast laptop! I have never in 20 years seen a Windows app so unresponsive! Everything is so slow and clunky! That must be some record setting, incredibly bad programming. How did they actually achieve that the app is so unresponsive? I seriously thought that after almost a year, and especially now that they introduced the new plans (and pricing) that they ironed out the kinks and made the app quite functional. And what happened to code block? It's gone! I can't select 5 lines and mark them as code. Entire app has much, much less features than the old Legacy app. After 5 hours most of the notes haven't been synced. Notes actually sync only if I open them. What if I am offline?? It looks like this new app is not an offline app at all. Then why not just use Evernote in a browser? After some more testing I uninstalled the new app literally while laughing in disbelief and am now looking for a replacement notes app. Almost 1 year of Plus subscription left will just have to be wasted...
  2. It looks like Internet didn't like the newest Evernote pricing and plan changes, so it blocked Evernote's DNS. 😋
  3. EU price has also increased to EUR 60 a year for the Personal plan. The current cycle remains the same, but the renewal has a higher price. That's almost the same as my Microsoft 365 subscription, LOL! Why did Evernote say the prices will stay the same when they increased it?
  4. Here is the screenshot I just took where it says for the Plus plan the offline access is for desktop only. That's what I get when I click Upgrade button.
  5. The Plus plan has not been offered to new subscribers, but those who were on it have been allowed to keep it. Just some days ago I got an email from Evernote, just like everyone else, that my Plus plan will remain unchanged, and cost the same. I don't need the Personal plan, I just need to keep the same features that were in the Plus plan. And I extended my plan for another year. But now Evernote says the mobile app will not have offline notes for Plus plan. That is NOT unchanged. I have been misled with wrong info from Evernote into extending my existing Plus plan. That is not right. And neither is taking away the features I have already paid for.
  6. I've been on Plus plan for years, and I'm still on Plus, which has offline notes on mobile app. But the new Plus plan description says the offline notes are ONLY on desktop app. That means I won't have offline notes on my phone any more? How can Evernote take away something that I already paid for???
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