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  1. Really? That would be almost Obsidian or Roma style! Does it work both mobile and in the web app (MacOS)?
  2. I had the same issue upon their announcement of introducing slash commands, but the very next day it was working. Great stuff, but there's one option I still miss badly: creating a new note within the existing one. The slash command would be a smooth gateway for that, too.
  3. From what I think Bending Spoons are up to, constantly improving and adding new features, the linking to a new note as requested here (also by myself) is just around the corner. That's what I guess.
  4. Hi there Beginning on Friday, 19th (and continuing every day) I have a very strange calendar item in my Evernote calendar. I don't know this "Groupe Whatsap Adultes" (french?). I have Google Calendar connected with Evernote, but I have no such meeting in my agenda. Can anybody help and tell me, where this spam comes from and how to delete it? Thanks and cheers Stefan
  5. Legacy still supports the very simple but powerful tool of collecting several notes and creating a masternote as table of content with the links to all these notes. Removing this option whithout at least offering an alternative is one of the decisions taken by Evernote I really don't understand. I couldn't find an explanation. I vote for bringing back the functionality!
  6. The new evernote helper in V10 is quite useless. As soon as you choose the tool to excerpt a part from the note underneath, the note is being switched to another one. An unspotted bug, I presume. Please take care of it, the helper is one of the features that makes Evernote unique.
  7. I agree. This is one of the features that make Roam, Notion oder The Brain so seducing. But it actually should have been Evernote that first launchend bi-directional linking because this is the way a second brain has to work. It would be also helpful, while working on a note, to create an embedded link to an already existing note realated to a given keyword in the text I'm working on. Let's say I'm writing a film review and it would be possible to mark the director's name within the text and search for other evernotes related to him, e.g. reviews of other films of his I've already written about.
  8. Definitely one of the many features having been removed from V10 without a proper and convincing explanation. Bring it back, please. Or offer a valuable alternative. I've used it for spaced repetition.
  9. I'm definitely impressed by your mastery in master notes. The cascading of master note is a mesmerizing approach and key to any dashboard design, I guess. But it takes a lot of thinking beforehand, doesn't it? Worth a try for a complete Evernote relaunch over Christmas maybe 😄
  10. interesting! the Open Actions are the same as Next Actions in GTD-terminology, I guess. But how do you make them come from different projects into this very notebook?
  11. Would love to see the second layer behind the dashboard. Are there notes listed in table of contents?
  12. looks more like a website to me...wouldn't meet my needs in keeping track of specific 'next actions' e.g.
  13. The Eisenhower matrix is indeed a very clear template for a Dashboard note. But how does the 'Get focused' section work? Are these links, too? Or just a checklist to remind you of what to focus on?
  14. I'm non eligible for a contest and I wouldn't even know how to participate in the contest. I've seen the contributions and read the discussion, but I still have no clue how to set up a Dashboard like the ones presented here. From what I understood, Dashboards are notes with a structure (roughly a particular arrangement of table columns) and embedded links to other notes, right? But what if I want to monitor not only particular notes, but notebooks? As far as I know it's not possible to link notebooks, is it?
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