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Posts posted by estevancarlos

  1. When I highlight text, sometimes a pop-up "AI Edit" button appears and it causes interference. Specifically it produces strange results when I'm editing tables. I'm unable to select my highlighted text afterwards.

    This is on Windows 11 with the desktop application.

    I'm also not interested in the possibility of accidently clicking the button as it's not a feature I have an interest in using. There could be SO many different contextual menu options that could pop-up and I don't see why it's only "AI Edit" every time we select text.

  2. I find that I can't use the reminder feature well enough due to a lack of VERY obvious notifications. I understand there are notifications but I need something that rings or bright vivid color on top of the app. Perhaps a bright red icon. I have mistakenly overlooked notifications I set for myself and as a result, completely forgot about the specific item.

    In my opinion, the desktop app could use a banner at the top that notifies the user or better yet, a bright Icon on the left hand menu.

    Anyone else feel the same way?

  3. I think we need Macros now. Let me describe some interesting ways it can be used by comparing it to another application, Cubase. Cubase is a music program for multi-track recording. It has a very unique feature that allows you to automate and trigger macros.

    For example, you can have a track with audio. You could assign a key command that triggers the following logic:

    - If any track contains "some specific word"
    - then color the track to "some specific color"
    - AND mute the track

    We need something like this in Evernote and frankly it would be a better approach than AI since it allows us to be more specific with our needs. For example, I have many notes I've failed to tag with a specific tag. If I want to tag notes that contain a specific term I have to do the following: search the term, select many notes, apply a tag to them. It can be tedious.

    Here's what I imagine we could do instead

    - We have the ability to save searches and use advanced search syntax
    - We should also be able to assign a task to this such as "Apply tag" and then save the entire thing as a macro
    - Then we can assign a key command to the macro

    In Cubase they call this Logic+Macro+Key Command feature, "Logical Editor". I think it's something Evernote should consider.

  4. 30 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

    Evernote went to a subscription model, I think, when it first became cloud based, years ago.  I don't like subscription models either but Evernote does not have a total maximum storage limit.  Instead it allows a maximum upload each month, therefore the total storage limit is constantly increasing.  In this case, a subscription model made sense to me.  

    I misspoke. I don't mean Evernote's subscription model is a problem. I'm referring to their dramatic change in pricing model. With Waves Audio, going from a one-time fee a to subscription was a problem for many. In my opinion, I would expect an 80% increase in price from Evernote to be equally disappointing.

  5. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    I'm puzzled that everyone seems to need to be cared for by their software provider - I can't remember the last time I heard from any of the Big Five (whomever you may consider them to be) without it being some sort of sales message or price increase.  I prefer to maintain an armed neutrality with all the apps that I subscribe to.  I'll keep paying as long as it continues to seem worthwhile - or until I see something better.  A principle followed by Jean Rasczak.

    The amount of the increase - yeah,  that's a bit eye-watering;  but like everyone here (well,  most of you at least) I love the idea of Evernote,  I just wish it worked better and faster.  I've paid my increased sub now - the jury is out on what the company can do to make me want to pay again next year...

    Well, in the audio engineering world that I'm a part of, the customer base complained when a company called Waves Audio went to a subscription-only model. Well, there was an intense backlash. Waves Audio retracted - https://www.musicradar.com/news/waves-plugin-subscription-service-uproar

    Based on what I'm seeing in Evernote land, that doesn't seem to be how people feel about this, which is surprising. However, sometimes companies do respond to user complains.

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  6. 8 hours ago, agsteele said:

    But when did you last get a price rise? Six years ago for me. I think Evernote would have been better to have annual increments.

    It's sticker shock. Whether or not they've increased their price over the years, it's unreasonable to do it on one fell swoop. As I mentioned elsewhere, I can't justify paying this cost when compared to other software subscriptions I have. So now I have the inconvenience of learning a new note taking tool and altering my workflow. I think that's the problem everyone is facing. Increased price OR inconvenience. I've already cancelled. Although I may look into their educator discount.

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  7. I don't think Evernote realizes what this new price point is competing with. There are important software subscriptions I have to consider for my work that are at the same price as Evernote now. Evernote is supposed to help me stay organized but I'm not going to pay this kind of price as though it's critical.

  8. 6 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Most of the rest of the world seems to think that AI is The Way Forward.  And most other note-taking apps have already included AI options.  But I agree with you - I can't see what all the fuss is about...  I peaked with pencils and paper...

    It's novelty and greed. There's nothing inherently wrong with AI but at this stage most people are so unfamiliar with the concept that it's all buzzword and novelty. I say this as a person who is involved with related technologies.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Price Change said:

    Evernote seemed helpful while I used it this year.  But I can't justify paying double for beta AI upgrades and other additional aspirational AI features mentioned by Evernote.  I'm fortunate that I was in my first year and my notes can be transferred in a short period of time. 

    Thank you Evernote for helping me organize my digital notes this year.  But, I'm leaving.  It's not you, it's me.  Have a great digital life.

    Yeah, I'm trying to find alternatives as well. I wonder what market research they've done that convinced them to make these changes? Most of us probably just want efficiency and not necessarily _more_ features.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

    I think I'm on the side of the fence that doesn't really care to have AI integrated into Evernote, but I think it's probably a losing battle. So hopefully the implementation of it is actually somewhat useful and not just gimmicky.

    Here are several other recent posts expressing support or interest for AI with some voicing concern in those threads:

    My primary concern is that it's an unneeded cost. We're paying more for something I suspect won't make a meaningful impact.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Never lost content following this advise


    You can't really miss "several" notes, because mobile does not allow to edit several notes at once. It may be you lost the content of one note, but please don't exaggerate. If you follow the help document, you would loose none, however it is a workaround, creating additional steps to save what got stuck.

    I hope EN is going to solve this problem.

    By several I am referring to probably 3 notes. I took photos of business cards. I don't see it showing up. I wrote the contact info of this one guy. I don't see it. You have to understand this never happened to me when I was using version 8 on Android for several years. I only recently updated to version 10 and I have all these issues. No exaggeration at all.

  12. On 10/2/2022 at 4:40 AM, Jason Montoya said:

    I’m having the same issue. I’ll create a new note, and then the check mark to save is unresponsive. Once I go back in a few minutes later, most of the note content is gone. The same outcome happens when I close out the app on my iPhone and reopen it. I don’t have any issues with the windows app just the iPhone one. 

    Unreliability of note taking is one of the worst possible problems. 

    I am missing several notes from a networking event. This was such a critical event that I just have to stop using Evernote now. After more than 10 years. This is crazy.

    • Like 1
  13. On 8/18/2022 at 3:32 PM, Alan Hague said:

    This happens over and over.  I have rebooted.  Note 20. 10.37 (1125041)

    I edit an existing note.  The green check mark does nothing.

    have to close app each time to fix.

    losing data

    Something similar has happened to me. In fact my performance on my new android phone has been so awful it's hard for me to pinpoint single problems.

  14. I just attended a critical networking event. Now I can't find notes in which people wrote down their contact information. This is mission critical and I will definitely unsubscribe if this isn't resolved within weeks. I also can't copy and paste text. When I copy text it cuts it out. Then when I try to paste it, it's not saved into the memory at all and as a result doesn't paste. In other words... it deletes! I've lost text as a result.

  15. 27 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

    This! Evernote tasks is a game changer for folks who are using Evernote to get things done. To be in a meeting and add a task knowing it then shows in the central tasks tab is brilliant. It means, for folks like me who forget everything that happened at a meeting within about an hour of it ending, I’ll actually do the things I’m meant to cause they are there listed and I would forget to check the note otherwise. 

    The integration is good but it's a less developed task tool for obvious reasons. It's very new. There are better tools for the price point out there.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

    UpNote has better markdown support, better thumbnail support, quote block, syntax coloring in code blocks, can hyperlink to searches, can center and right-align images and is way less expensive. ($1 per month, or $20 lifetime subscription, but I don't see how that pricing can hold up.) The tagging and notebook system is very functional and also quite different.

    But UpNote's search and filtering isn't near as good, doesn't have OCR, doesn't display PDFs inline, doesn't highlight text in images (cause no OCR), file sizes are way more limited (max 20 MB per note), can't open multiple notes in new windows (this one is *huge* for me), attachments don't look as good in the editor, table support not as good, no web client, can't drag and drop bulleted lists, no tasks features, no internal audio playback, no email to note, etc, etc (there is surely a lot more that I am leaving out)

    Great comparison. Thanks.

    I would add though that Evernote's task feature is probably _blegh_. I can't take it seriously so I don't consider that a selling point. If you're looking for tasks, I recommend Todoist in that it has baseline/minimum task features most of us would need. Maybe Evernote will get to that point eventually.

    • Confused 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

    There are a lot of features (mostly note taking features like back-linking, table of contents, linking to specific header) that UpNote has that I hope Evernote will implement one day but those don't make up for the many more features that Evernote currently has that UpNote does not and/or Evernote implements them better.

    Are those the primary differences? Or do you know of other major differences between the two softwares? Based on what it looks like, they seem like nearly identical paradigms. Is that the case? Just curious.

  18. 24 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    EN needs to inform about updates. As a user I have a right to run on the latest software. If a popup is the best way, who knows.

    • If you start EN right away in the morning, and if you update after receiving the message, you will hardly be annoyed.
    • If you start EN at the last moment before a meeting or a presentation, and if you don’t update, the popup will be there as a reminder.

    It is not as if there would be no choice.

    To comment to EN directly you can use the feedback function.

    Well, what I'm saying doesn't contradict what you're describing. The designers of any software have to manage what counts as an important notification and what is a less important notification. For example, major updates may require a pop-up. Minor updates could be a more discreet message.

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