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Greg Jewett

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  1. I have dumped Penultimate. I have moved over to NoteShelf 2. I have not looked back! It works fantastic with the new iPad and Apple Pencil. Ignores other movements and touches, only writes with the pencil, copy and paste works, note organization is ok, and a good tool. If you are tied of waiting on Evernote to fix Penultimate .. this is the tool to move to!
  2. As you wrote this, I was already in the process of chatting with support and getting answers in a formal ticket. I appreciate Skylar's response (below), but it seems rather boiler-plate. I mean according to the previous discussions in the past, these have been "known" issues for OVER A YEAR! 😲 From: support-webform@evernote.com Subject: Ticket# 2774912 - Chat with Evernote on 2/11/2019 Date: February 11, 2019 at 3:36:51 PM CST Skylar (Evernote Help and Learning) Just following up after our chat, thank you for your patience. To clear, these questions are associated with Penultimate, correct? 1) When using the select too, cutting or moving the selection causes it to leave artifacts behind that you have to then erase yourself. This is known issue, I don't have an ETA of when it will be resolved, I can assure you we're working diligently to fix it. 2) No support for premium users.. with more than 250 notebooks. Yes, at this time notebooks limit is 250 on Penultimate, but we are trying to increase more notebooks later, also I don't have an ETA of when it will be increase. 3) if you leave the app, and come back, your place in your notebook is lost, you have to figure out where you were. Yes, This also known issue too. I can assure you we're working diligently to fix it. 4) Dynamic picture support? Once an image or photo is placed, you can not "edit" it, crop it, etc.. you can only place it. This feature is not yet available, but I can see how a great addition to Evernote this feature would be and I think other users would find it helpful. I am happy to submit this as a feature request to our development team! Evernote has always relied on our invested community in order to create a better product by actively listening to our users and their experiences. While we are eager to implement these requests into action, we still operate on a small base of operations. Please understand that your input is being heard, and we hope to present you with an effective solution soon. In the meantime, another great resource is our Evernote User Forum, where you and other users can join in the discussion, suggest new feature ideas, and vote for them. Our development team regularly reviews feedback submitted through our Forums in hopes of creating the best product and experience for our users. At this time, I’m going to close your ticket. If you would like an update on where we are in the progress of this issue, please reply back to us and we will update you accordingly. We are sorry for inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. I guess it is up to you Evernote community! If you want these fixed, we will need to make sure there is enough interest in having this done, to move it closer on their radar. Please submit tickets to Evernote with the issues above. Feel free to add your own to the list.
  3. Just pinging! Has anyone heard anything from Evernote regarding the future of Penultimate? I love it, but all the issues outlined above have not been fixed and with no updates in over a year usually it is on life-support and about to be discontinued. It will work until it doesn't! I really hope this is not the case here. Evernote team?
  4. I too have several Dell monitors and noticed the washed out look when selecting of a note in the note list. But I found the fix, at least in my case. I might offer some troubleshooting that I did. This applies to Windows and Mac. Each platform has a different way of configuring it, and I am a Mac user, so I will explain how I do it on a Mac, and you will need to figure out the Windows equivalent. Open System Preferences, and select "Display". Display settings windows will appear on each screen, so make you are looking for the window on th Dell monitor. Select the "Color" tab. This is for the ColorSync profile. Select from the list the "Calibrated" colorsync profile for the Dell Monitor, it is usually named after the model of the monitor (automatically determined). This made a DRASTIC change for, changing the washed out yellow selection look to a gray darker selection. The text also start to pop a bit more, making it easier to read. GOOD LUCK!
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