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About tokeriis

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  1. Yes, it is supported in the Legacy version of EN, before the rewrite of the codebase.
  2. I find that a folder structure in Finder is pretty good as an exchange format. I am not opposed to enex per se, but this tool actually does preserve note formatting and attachments –just in markdown format and with embedded links to attachments. I haven' tested how Exporter handles export of tags from Apple Notes nor how the new Apple Notes imports Evernote tags, as I haven't upgraded to Mojave/iOS15 with tag support yet, but I am guessing those would be equally preserved, as tags seem to be placed within the note text, not in file metadata (which would make them readable in competing apps like Bear or Joplin). To get back to the topic, I hope native M1 support – when they get to it some time in the future – will reduce the sometimes molasses slow moments in Evernote, as I really prefer to stay in the well-known environment of Evernote for my work notes.
  3. @PinkElephanthave you tried the Exporter app in the Mac App Store? It exports to markdown from Apple Notes.
  4. I did just that. The bumb surfaces the issue on the forum, which in contrast to support replies has people discussing details and benefits/problems.
  5. @PinkElephantWell, you are quite right, the trouble probably lies with upgrading their Electron version. It is just a quite long delay now.
  6. If the codebase for most of the application logic is now cross platform, post EN10 and they already provide an iOS version which runs on the iPad pro which is now based on the same M1 processor as the Macbook Air, iMacs and Macbook Pro's, it seems like Evernote should be able to recompile for M1 without too much of a hassle.
  7. True. However: There is a little utility in the Mac App store called Exporter which will export Apple Notes to Markdown format.
  8. I have filed a support ticket on the issue, so at least they know it may be a problem. And yes, its on my list of reasons for looking for alternatives.
  9. Unfortunately both work-arounds (via Textedit or Applescript) are not supported by Evernote 10. Pasting URL schemes into Evernote 10 only paste the text of the link, not the link. And Applescript is not supported.
  10. EN 7 supported the built in MacOS Services menu within the app, but it is missing in EN 10. Please bring it back. Why: The Services Menu is a simple way to integrate system wide services with Evernote, such as Dictionary Lookup, search with Google, etc. but also user installed Services, such as the WordServices package from Devonthink with lots of text cleanup functions, texts statistics (word count, etc), and many other useful integrations. It is even possible to wrap Applescripts and Automator actions as Services. Furthermore, all Services can be assigned a keyboard shortcut for even easier use. All these posssibilities are gone from this version. While I also lament the missing Applescript support, I think this would be a much simpler way to implement some measure of system integration. Of note, I am not talking about adding an Evernote Service available for other apps, but of the addition of Services as a submenu under the Evernote app menu, optimally also as a contextual menu. A Send to Evernote Service available for other apps would of course also be beneficial. I am beginning to find 10 quite useful in terms of performance, but it is still lacking what I see as basic MacOS support.
  11. I really don't get why this is not available in the Mac client, as the above fix would seem to make it pretty easy to implement in a more userfriendly way – Table of Contents is listed as one of the features no longer available for Mac, not as "not yet available". I thought one of the benefits of cripling the app/using Electron was implementation of feature parity going forward :-( Upvoted!
  12. I could, but that is a tedious task with many stacks and notebooks, hence the wish for automation. If may be unclear from my previous post, but fixing illegal characters and just putting a note in the Incoming folder fixed my problem — the script works as a charm 😁!
  13. @andrewcalvin I tried debugging with the Script debugger app. The script failed because the "Incoming" folder was empty. I don't know how to tackle this in applescript, but I appreciate the help! Also, I found an illegal character (é) in a notebook name. Thanks a lot! Toke
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