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Everything posted by gesshoom

  1. Hi folks, I use Evernote to do my research. I often write articles with inspiration from many web clippings, my audio recordings, images I clipped or taken with my camera, etc. Once these research items are in EV, I would like a new kind of "tag". As I am reading a clipped source, I would like to be able to highlight text or images and assign a research tag to these items. I would apply these research tags to all the relevant source snippets I have and would like to then be able to build a new note consisting of these research tag extracts. Essentially, by specifying a research tag in a new document, this would go retrieve all snippets I have identified with that research tag and would bring copies of the highlighted material into my new note. Here, i could re-arrange them to build my article outline. I would use the tags as follows: If i highlight several snippets and assign them the tag "projectX:intro", it would build a collection of related research items. If, for the same article I am writing, I have another section on "how-to", I would highlight all relevant sections of my research that deal with how to do something with "projectX:how-to"....and so on By referencing research tag "projectX", Evernaote would automatically get all the research tagged snippets for me into my new note listed alphabetically. That would be awesome for me and doesn't seem to exist in any note taking apps out there What do you think?
  2. But clipping was "acceptable" before. Put that old code back in until your staff come up with a better tested solution
  3. Seems to me that quality assurance dropped the ball when the software was allowed to be released with this serious issue undetected during regression testing. Clipping web pages is an extremely common and important Evernote feature. To have broken this and then released a fix that is inadequate is unacceptable. Evernote don't seem to realize how important their software has become to so many people. Rather than focusing on adding features that we can all wait for, fix and stabilize what's already out there. Of course, the ceo doesn't get in the trenches to see the pain that the users are suffering through. Hey, QA, do your job!
  4. I'm getting this error on almost every web page i try to clip on android 7, chrome, latest version of Evernote. To get around this, i copy/paste the entire web page into Evernote and don't use the share to Evernote feature. Evernote screwed something up
  5. +1 I can definitely use this feature. But would need to work across all platforms. NOt just desktop
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