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Everything posted by makeitwork

  1. @JerryN do report back when you find it, i'm curious. i've been an EN user for years and years. don't post on forums much. been a premium user for years also, and there doesn't really seem to be pro-level support, especially now. other apps are uber-fast at it. (copilot, heptabase, readdle). it's a bummer that there's not a dedicated pro-level support chat given the $ of EN. @PinkElephant the support link is limited to billing, maintence and team setup options and nothing else, FYI. it is my observation from READING these forums that there's a lot of good info interspersed with apologists for the v10 software. it would be nice to get some obvious stuff fixed tho. to wit: i need to move 6000+ notes from one notebook to another. my options are to export (it won't, fails every time) or move 100 notes at a time (a waste of my time). it's a little amazing that a paid notes app that's been around for years can't move notes easily. or just merge notebooks. i need to link directly to tags from an external app. just want to have a link in my PKM that opens all the realted tagged notes in EN. (no, i'm not going to set up 50 notebooks, i'm using tags) and actually, you can't link to notebooks either. or a saved search. (this isn't hard... ask todoist) i need to lock a private notebook, not just a note. i need to navigate google drive by normal heirarchy, not just recent stuff or remembering the name of a spreadsheet from a month ago. and i need to add more than one google drive link to a note. i need excel files (stored in google drive or elsewhere) to open on my mac. dragging an excel sheet into a note works fine, but microsoft is occasioanlly disinterested in updating an excel stored in EN- i'm guessing that when the EN servers update, the file id changes, and that throws errors in excel when you're saving stuff. nothing more fun than working on a spreadsheet for a few hours and then not being able to save it. (sarcasm. it's not fun at all). this essentially makes EN useless for storing living documents, btw, which forces me to use TWO note/file apps. i need paid support that's timely. i need a search that makes UX sense. it should be easier to search tag, term, notebook, etc. i need AI tagging. AI search is nice but it's not intelligent (try typing "show me all notes tagged with XXX" and you get "no relevant notes were found. really?!?) AI tags would start to recognize regular notes/note content and really make this a filling cabinet with kung fu. would LOVE to auto-forward bills and have them tagged and sorted correctly. this feature would blow people's minds. i think evernote is great and that's why i've been on it forever. change seems slow and basic functionality stuff seems slower. there are strange limitations that seem very 1997 (can't move or tag more than 100 notes at a time? scratch pad has a character limit? wtf.) hope it gets better. would appreciate any insights on the above. ALSO- for BACKUP, since that seems to be an ongoing debate, check out CloudHQ. they will sync evernote notebooks to google drive, dropbox, etc. i don't know when i'll see the responses here (because... the EN app doesn't notify you about support or forum stuff, strangely) but hope to pop back soon. cheers! -reid (all spelling mistakes are totally on me, i'm pre-coffee)
  2. +1 for reminders tab in stack. it just has to echo whatever reminders are in the stacked notebooks, this shouldn't be a heavy lift for the devs.
  3. if evernote implemented the format of roam research (networked/threaded PKM) it would be unstoppable.
  4. @jefito nice work. to add something (late, but whatever)... wouldn't it be nice if dragging a note to a nested tag added that tag AND the parent tag?!?!
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