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Posts posted by Frank.dg



    Nevertheless, I like both whining and moaning at times, even if neither of them add any value to my life or help me in any practical sense.

    Just waiting for the obligatory "you're just arguing semantics"... :)

    I disagree.

    With? 'Cause I am waiting for that blessed moment. :)



    I disagree wholeheartedly with the word, *"semantics:P


    *just kidding 


    Ok... no more derailing on my part. This is a very worthwhile and serious thread that deserved to run its course.

  2. Nevertheless, I like both whining and moaning at times, even if neither of them add any value to my life or help me in any practical sense.

    Anyways, I just calculated very precisely that roughly 87% of the posts on the EN forum contain anywhere from mild to aggressive moaning and whining. I find it very stimulating and often entertaining. It's the spice of life. It makes me feel very human and not so alone ;-)

    • Like 3
  3. I somehow don't think EN would welcome premium users making good on the hefty 4GB/ month upload limit up for grabs. That might be scary to them. Selective sync would allow us to go to town... That's almost 50GB/ year allowance for premium users. Unlike Dropbox, I think Evenote would be inviting trouble if people were to use anywhere close to the upload limit consistently from month to month. The desktop clients would be worse for wear, freezing up, as a number of power users have already commented in detail elsewhere. I just don't think Evernote is ready for that.

    If Dropbox can do it, Evernote can.

    It also seems you're failing to understand that selective sync will result in less data being pushed, not more.

    I look forward to hearing Evernote's thoughts on this, rather than users' speculation on what Evernote can and cannot do.

    Sure... Less data is going to be pushed to individual devices... And the very fact that we can't do so currently has many people, myself included, using Dropbox and other apps for part of their workflow. Having most of my stuff be accessible only on the EN web client would be great. We all want that. You would be hard pressed to find anyone against the implementation of the feature you mention.

    You're right about less data being pushed with selective sync... And I got my wires crossed on the comment about computers freezing with too much data to process... But still, I think the thought of selective sync scares Evernote presently. I don't think they relish the idea of the Premium hordes giving the 4GB monthly upload limit a good run for its money.

  4. I somehow don't think EN would welcome premium users making good on the hefty 4GB/ month upload limit up for grabs. That might be scary to them. Selective sync would allow us to go to town... That's almost 50GB/ year allowance for premium users. Unlike Dropbox, I think Evenote would be inviting trouble if people were to use anywhere close to the upload limit consistently from month to month. The desktop clients would be worse for wear, freezing up, as a number of power users have already commented in detail elsewhere. I just don't think Evernote is ready for that.

  5. Yes, this is the big advantage of OneNote, and Workflowy. I can't imagine it is too difficult to implement. Why are Evernote so slow with this?

    Imagine WorkFlowy split into hundreds of disparate outlines. I like it that WorkFlowy is "One zoomable document." I like it that I can search my lists in one place, separate from web clippings, etc. Clean and simple. Evernote is fantastic at what it does… But I can't understand why seasoned WorkFlowy users would want to do their outlining in Evernote.

  6. "Pocket" saves the pages themselves. Not the same thing as a bookmark. But you can set up a system to easily find those pages.

    If you "transfer" bookmarks to Evernote, you're going to need something visual… An image that will serve as a thumbnail image in either card view or snippet view in your note list. Unfortunately, I think the transfer would have to be done manually… Page by page.

    In Evernote, you might consider saving bookmarks in individual notes, and set up a nested tag system on desktop to imitate the folders that you may have kept your bookmarks in in your browser.

    You could also try importing your bookmarks into an outliner, such as WorkFlowy... Then from there, export them to Evernote. The hierarchical outline should be preserved within an Evernote note.

    That HTML file that you mentioned earlier… Have you tried dragging that file into an Evernote note?

  7. One option might be to use a read-it-later app such as "Pocket". The pages you save are all searchable there... and you have tagging facilities. You can also send the pages to Evernote quite easily.

    In the end, however, I have still found bookmarks to be quite useful for a handful of webpages… in that pages you visit quite frequently are more convenient to have right there in your browser. I've quit trying to consolidate everything under the sun into one app.

  8. Most database queries that I have used include the option of providing a sort order. This is very powerful.

    A database query is the same thing as a EN Saved Search, except the EN Saved Search is much more limiting.

    Storing the sort order with the Saved Search would be, IMO, VERY useful to many users.

    Sure… But putting the search results across multiple notebooks into their own "virtual notebook" has no bearing on what most people are trying to achieve when they sort notes in a notebook by any particular sort order.
  9. To address the issue of what to do about searches across multiple notebooks which could have different sort orders.

    Put the search results into a virtual notebook which would have have its own sort order - with a default to date.

    Not sure how this would fit with saved searches but no doubt it would probably need to


    I don't think that would be useful for most people in most cases.

  10. There could be a default sort for searches across Notebooks.

    To me, Saved Searches are much like the Outlook Smart Folders, so it would be great to have a custom, multi-level sort stored with the Saved Search.

    Then you would have to have a default sort for search across notebooks for multiple sort orders... Which is what we have right now.
  11. Sorting notebooks in different ways is great... I was just running through the implications of having certain notebooks preset to sort by a specific sort order every time, or else remember the last sort order used. That would inevitably necessitate toggling when one needs to sort a notebook that they ordinarily like to sort and view by "Title" to, say, "Date Updated" when they need to easily locate, well, the last note updated (or created) within the same notebook.


    It would be a royal PITA if I wanted to sort multiple notebooks globally by, say, "Date Updated" for a specific use case, even if most of the time I prefer to sort half of them according to "Title". I'd have to make sure that I'm sorting by "Date Updated" every time, which would be rather clunky. 


    This feature request, in theory, is brilliant. In practice... it's another story. That's why I asked @TdeV in a subsequent post "Do you ever switch between sorting options with individual notebooks?" I'm actually posing the question to all users...

    • Like 1


    Do you ever switch between sorting options with individual notebooks?



    No. Do you mean switch to another saved search? That is quite cumbersome actually (if one has a lot of saved searches--too many for the small pop-up window).


    Unless you mean something else?



    Nope... I mean switch from, say, sort by "Title" to "Date Updated" in the same notebook. Viewing vs. admin/ reviewing perhaps. I do this all the time.

  13. Hi @RightPaddock,


    Yes and no. It has to do with the "largest smallest" dimension, explained here:




    Yes... if you modify your images according to the above criteria. No... if you don't have the inclination to tinker with image resizing and trying to wrap your brain around meeting the requirements of the "largest smallest" dimension every time you want to select one image to be the image displayed in snippet/ card view from multiple images that come from multiple sources. 


    Take clipping web pages with multiple images, for example. Imagine trying to set a thumbnail image for each, other than the one which already matches the "largest smallest" dimension criteria. However, if this is critical to you, and in certain use cases you can establish a simple workflow that is repeatable and takes the above into account, then the "largest smallest" dimension is your guiding light. That is, until  Evernote provides a way to manually select the desired image. Who know, it may be just around the corner :-)

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  14. Actually... there is no problem with bringing on the feature in question. What I'm saying is that it's not all that it's cracked up to be when one thinks through your workflow(s) in general. It's not that much of an advantage, for the reasons stated and the scenarios I described. 


    Now... if it had to be implemented as in your mock-up, that's another story. Preset sorting orders for different notebooks would be just a tad bit less inconvenient (i.e. a little easier to rectify in specific use cases). But not totally off the hook. I suggested exactly the same in this thread I started here (but for ease of access):



    I'd love to be able to customize the note list toolbar with specific sorting options, which would make things lightning fast. Especially on Windows, which is a little clunky compared to Mac. Mac enables one to set the sorting order (ascending/ descending) for each sorting option - which makes it a couple of extra steps swapping between sort orders on Windows. So the idea you've presented above is brilliant. Exactly what I would like to see. AND it would be more visual, as in one can see at a glance by looking at those sorting options in the toolbar what you're sorting by... as opposed to looking at your note titles in relation to one another to figure it out. But still, the points I raised had nothing to do with ease of access to sorting options... but more to do with being able to get a sorting order other than the preset/ default/ remembered sorting order (with the proposed feature), without having to toggle each time the default sorting order for a specific notebook is not what I want, even though it may be my general preference - Specifically if I am wanting to sort by a specific order across all notebooks for a specific use case.


    If you read my first post here, my concern was twofold: (1) Evernote remembering a fixed sorting option each and every time you accessed a certain notebook so that if you were in admin mode and were trying to sort by "Date Updated" across multiple notebooks that were otherwise set to individual miscellaneous sorting orders, and having the sort order reverted back to your general preference each time you selected the notebook once again. (2) On the other hand, if the sorting order did not automatically sort to the predefined sorting order each time a specific notebook is accessed and instead simply remembered your last sorting option for that notebook, one would then have to remember to sort it back to the general preference for viewing a list of notes. The point I was getting at is that one does not necessarily always stick to a specific sorting option with a specific notebook... even if one has a general preference. So having predefined sorting orders for different notebooks, whether Evernote remembers the last sorting order or the default sorting order is not all it's cracked up to be if one fully thinks through their workflow(s).


    I do like the setup you gave us in your image created above. That would be awesome. I want that. But not have Evernote default to a specific sorting order with specific notebooks, nor remember the last option chosen. When one is working with multiple workflows across multiple notebooks, it would be easier to simply see the sort order in the toolbar (or otherwise be conscious of it) on a global scale. 


    Your mock-up suggests 2 different dynamics: (1) Ease of access to sorting options and (2) (inferred by way of this topic) preset sorting options for individual notebooks. 


    I understand exactly what you're getting at... and no, it would not be a PITA to have things set up that way. Just not ideal. I don't think you've run through the scenario I gave in my earlier post and therefore, perhaps, do not understand what I'm getting at.


    So let me pose this scenario: Evernote brings in preset sorting for individual notebooks as a new feature. Fine and well. Now what I want to do right now is hop from one notebook to another having all of the notes for each sorted by "Date Updated" or "Date Created" because I'm trying to see the last notes edited or created in each, BUT... because of the new feature just implemented, as I move from one notebook to another, each either defaults to the preset sorting order OR remembers the last sorting order for that notebook. So what I have to then do is (and once again, not a biggie) change the sort order as and when needed after I see that in fact not all notebooks are sorting to the global sort order that I would like. True, having sorting options displayed in the note toolbar would make things quicker to toggle - but I would still have to toggle nonetheless.


    Question: could you tell me how to get around the scenario just mentioned in the previous paragraph? I'm all for learning new stuff. I just see the situation posed as a potential annoyance for a very real workflow I have (not imagined).


    I think this is a very valid and reasonable argument against preset/ default sorting orders for specific notebooks - unless there was a global sorting order preference you could flip the switch for. So Evernote would have to make extra provisions for the proposed feature if implemented. PLUS you would have to remember that you flipped a global sorting order switch, much like when on Windows desktop you switch the search bar over to "Search all Notes", but forget that you've done so, or if you've inadvertently done it, you can't for the life of you figure how to fix until someone from the forums points it out to you. The fact is that with every single one of the notebooks I need to view according to "Title" in ascending order - I often need to reverse sort the order or switch over to "Date Updated" quite often. I don't always want to look at a chronological list in chronological order. Most of the time, yes. But not always. So my general preference, if preset, would actually create additional steps to follow through with when my secondary preference is called for (across multiple notebooks). There are tons of applications/ reasons for the above-mentioned scenario.


    There's got to be some merit to this. Admit it  :angry:


    EDIT: One has to "imagine a problem that isn't there", because often we imagine having a feature but do not fully think through the implications thereof  :P

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