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Everything posted by mcarrara

  1. @PinkElephantmaybe where you are located Chromebooks are limited to cheap educational models. However in the US enterprise Chromebooks are becoming more prevalent. My HP Dragonfly Elite has a core i7, 16GB RAM and runs Parallels for Windows apps. In the end everyone is better with competition and Chromebooks provide competition
  2. I have tried using the Android app on my Chromebook and hate it. I continue using the web version, but its lack of shortcut keys is frustrating. As more enterprose users are moving to Chromebooks, not to mention EDU users, a Chromebook app would be appreciated.
  3. I don;t know if is is even possible, but it would be nice to send, copy or somehow get a SMS message into Evernote.
  4. @DTLow, I tried to use tags to sort notebooks and stacks. It didn't work for ME. I'm not complaining, just stating that EN and my brain work differently. It reminds me of where I work. Me and a couple coworkers, all grizzled veterans of several jobs in different industries, complain about how management does this and that wrong. How we would do it better. After that we always agree our current jobs are the best we have ever had. No job is perfect. No app is perfect. For my use case, EN is by far the best app out there. Mark
  5. Except for that little political spat, this thread has been very interesting. EN never had a true file structure for notes I don't like that, but I accept that. I tried using Tags to compensate, didn't work for me. So I moved my reference materials to another app that fits my work style. No harm no foul. EN just wasn't for me. I used the handwriting in the old version to take meeting notes. Sketch is not a replacement. I now use another app on the phone for handwritten notes and attach them to an Evernote note. More work, but very doable. I guess my opinion is be flexible or write your own program. You don't like the path EN has chosen? Don't follow it. The only rant I have is about scratch pad. What is it for? If you could write there with a stylus I get it. Just typing there is dumb. Open a new note. Mark
  6. I am a huge Google Fanboy. I use the different parts of the suite of tools almost constantly all day. I also use Evernote all day and into the evening. For native Google and MS Office documents, I think Google Drive is the best choice. For web clips, random notes then Evernote is by far the better choice. My opinion on PDFs is fluid. I haven't decided yet the ideal solution. I think it depends on what you want to do with the PDFs. I don't think the free version can handle PDFs very well. Mark
  7. I tried forwarding it to the Evernote email address and it didn't work. My workaround is forwarding it to my own email address then forwarding that to EN. Mark
  8. I'm glad there are choices in the note taking space, Competition leads to improvements for users. No one program can be everything for everyone, different people have different needs and work styles. One more comment on Nimbus. I feel the developers are more concerned with presentation and looks of the note than in other areas. That's their choice and I accept it. For my needs and work style Evernote does almost all I need. It is my primary note taking app. At the same time I supplement it with other apps. Nimbus is one of those apps. I also include Google things (whatever they are calling it this month, GSuite, Google Apps, Workspaces, whatever.) As wells as Samsung Notes on my phone.
  9. @gazumped Separate workspaces are like separate notebooks. Different notes , stacks and tags. Completely separate, but you can link between them. I have four, one for general references, one for travel, one for small projects and one for my hobbies. While Nimbus does link to Google Drive Docs, it does not have the calendar integration of EN. I also prefer the way EN deals with attachments. So for now I run both.
  10. I did pay for Nimbus and moved everything from Evernote to Nimbus. I have returned from Nimbus (partially) but can't export anything. When I tried PDF all of them are blank. Good thing I had kept my EV account active. That said I now use two apps. I really like the multiple workspaces in Nimbus, however that is the only thing I like over Evernote. I use Nimbus as reference storage. If EV included multiple workspaces (at the same price) I could total leave Nimbus. Mark
  11. I really use forward emails to Evernote. However, I am getting more SMS messages I would like to send to Evernote. Mark
  12. I would expect all these problems with a free app. Using paid subscribers as beta 2 testers on production work is not a good plan. I also discovered another "feature". In the old version there was a way to "go to source" for a web clipping. It is still on the Android version, but I can't find it on the web version or the desktop version. I use that a lot. I now clip bookmarks so I get the link and the part of the page I want and merge the notes. Not as efficient as just a simple go to source. I have been checking out Nimbus. But alas it has flaws also. Better to deal with the devil you know. Some days I wish I stayed with programming back in college instead of administration. I could make my own solutions.
  13. The new windows version has several bugs. Some go away some don't. Here is a list of issues I have: 1. Today all my notes are blank. They show up in the Android version. 2. Drag and drop doesn't work on a group of notes. You have to drag one at a time 3. When I delete a tag on a note. The note still shows up when I search for that tag, at least for a while. Eventually it goes away. 4. Pressing F3 to add tags doesn't always work. If I restart the app it works, at least for a while. Right now those are the bugs that relly stop me from working efficiently. The blank nots stop my from using Evernote for Windows at all today.
  14. As of summer Google Photos are no longer available in Drive. So the question remains how to get an image from Google Photos to Evernote? The work around that works on a laptop is download from Google then attach to evernote. I don't think that is feasible on a phone, not very good for a Chromebook (my device of choice). Mark
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