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Everything posted by justacat

  1. What version of ScanSnap manager are you using, do you know? I am fairly sure I never updated mine from the original when I bought my scanner lol - I just never thought about it. I can’t remember if it came on a cd or if I downloaded it. But I don’t think my version has the pause for renaming, though I may just never have discovered it. I just rename the notes after they’re in Evernote. I’ve always been mostly concerned with getting them in Evernote as expeditiously as possible, since one of my primary uses of Evernote is for paperless recordkeeping - which requires much less scanning these days than it used to!
  2. Yes “we” are splitting hairs. By ”direct” I mean the workflow I’ve used in Legacy for a decade or more. I set the profile in ScanSnap manager for the scans to go to Evernote. I put the paper in the scanner, press the scan button, and the pdf appears as a note in Evernote. That’s what I mean. Whatever the ScanSnap manager is doing, *I* don’t have to move any files from folder to folder, and I don’t have a useless file in a folder on my desktop that I then have to delete. I do have to rename the file in Evernote (unless there’s some way with Manager that I never discovered to name it before it’s saved), but that’s it. That is what I mean by direct. And it sounds like it *is* still possible with older versions of ScanSnap manager.
  3. Yes, I understand this. You have explained multiple times now the way you do it and that you think it’s the best way. I understand. But I am trying to hear from other users, as there are clearly those who do it successfully in other ways that I, personally, may prefer, for *my* use of Evernote, folders, note titles, etc. You can keep doing it the way you like best, but it might not be the way that makes most sense for me.
  4. So what does this do? It sounds like it processes the scan before saving, though I admit I just skimmed the site quickly - so does it permit you to scan directly to an import folder? Or is there a way to use it to scan directly to Evernote?
  5. Thanks! I will definitely look into this.
  6. My s1300i has been faithful too, for more than a decade. Now after research since last night I'm trying to decide whether to buy a used one or move to the ix1300. The ix1600 seems like overkill for my use. But I haven't seen much mention of the ix1300. I'd like to continue to use ScanSnap manager, supported or not, with a new ScanSnap to keep scanning directly to Evernote. But it sounds like the consensus is that using import folders is now preferable. And in that case, @bmcl26 says his HP Envy permits scanning directly to an import folder, which is very appealing as it removes one step from the process.
  7. So what is it that’s different about v.10 that doesn’t permit directly scanning into Evernote? This is what I don’t get. Is it just that there was a decision made not to allow it? Or something different about the way it works? It’s so inconvenient. I do understand your explanation of why scanning into import folders directly doesn’t work. I’m assuming this was the same with legacy? I never scanned into an import folder with legacy, but I can’t see why it would have been any different, since scanners presumably built files in the days of legacy too. My dead scanner was an s1300i. It served me well for so long - then suddenly, today, it just won’t turn on. I’ve tried everything i can think of.. I’ve had good luck with it so I think I’ll stick with Fujitsu. Out of curiosity, what would happen if I got a new EN Scansnap scanner but used my current installed ScanSnap manager, which is set up to scan to Evernote, instead of Scansnap home?
  8. First, does this mean that it is not possible to scan directly to Evernote? That was my first question. Is there any way at all to do this? I saw one or two references to Scansnap Cloud for example, but since I don’t know what this is, I couldn’t tell if it offered a means of scanning directly into Evernote. Also, what you describe sounds like a somewhat cumbersome workflow. I’d have to scan into ScanSnap, then save the file to a folder. Why not scan directly to an import folder and skip the intermediate step?
  9. I have read a bunch of posts on this topic but still don't feel that I've found an actual answer to this question. I am one of the last-minute converts to v.10 on Windows, so this is a new problem for me. Is it still possible in v.10, with any scanner, to scan directly to Evernote ? I have an old ScanSnap that has just died, which I had used for a decade or more with ScanSnap Manager (never updated). Now I have to replace it. Scanning directly to Evernote has been a somewhat significant part of my use of Evernote over the years. Is there any way in which this can still be done? I really would prefer if possible not to have to deal with import folders. I have read a number of posts, and some seem to suggest that it might still be possible to do this, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer - and I can't test it since my scanner is inconveniently dead lol! If it's not possible, what is the most efficient (quickest with least steps) procedure to get scans into Evernote, and what is the best scanner, if there is one, to use to do this? Thanks!
  10. Where can I find out more about how this new toc works?
  11. I haven't had any PDF problems so far, but I'd still be interested to know the details of your solution just in case, without having to search through every one of your comments! Could you post a link?
  12. So I did some more digging. I found that the same notes that didn't appear in my intitle search using this specific search term also didn't appear when I did an intitle search using *any* term in the title of those notes. They do appear in the results when I do a full-text search for any of those terms (i.e., just put the term in the search box without any search syntax). So just out of curiosity, I tried a different type of search, a basic date searches - "created:20240101" - on ipad, android, windows laptop, and web, for notes created on or after 1/1/2024. I got three different numbers from the four platforms: ipad-177; android-194; laptop-197; web-194 The four additional notes on the windows laptop turned out to be from from four notes created years ago in legacy, probably in 2012 or so, with creation dates before 1997. Why they are appearing in this search I have no idea. This is another baffling bug. But putting those aside, windows, android, and web essentially gave the same number of results, while the ipad app, for some reason, failed to return 20 notes from this time period. So it's not just intitle that's the problem. However, as best I can tell, the notes that didn''t appear in the intitle search were the same ones that didn't appear in the created search - and again, all these notes do come up in any full-text search without advanced syntax. I wanted to do the same search for other time periods, but I couldn't figure out how to get an actual note count instead of just "1000+" in my search results. So I broke it down by year and used eg "created:20230101 -created:20240101." The iPad app again failed to return many notes with creation dates last year, in the period 1/1/2023-12/31/2024 (android and web:707; windows laptop:708; ipad:679). But for the 5 years I tested before that (going back to 2019), the iPad app was accurate - the number of results exactly matched the others. So for some reason the iPad app, when searching, is simply ignoring or not properly recognizing some notes created recently - but only when using certain search syntax. There is no problem with notes created more than a year or so ago. I have absolutely no idea what to make of this or what to do about it. I can tolerate a lot of inconveniences or things I don't like about v.10, but not being able to rely on search results is a tough one.
  13. In this case it is a single word - a name, so a capitalized proper noun. It should not need quotes. But I did try enclosing it in quotes. I also tried with the first letter capitalized (which should not be necessary). Made no difference.
  14. I am searching for notes using "intitle" (which I've always done). Searching on Android and Windows gives me a complete list of results. Searching on iPad, my results list does not include 3-4 recent notes that have the search term in the title. The notes are there in the ipad app - it's not a matter of not syncing. They're just not coming up in the search results. I've tried manually syncing, quitting and restarting the app - nothing. These notes appear if I use the search term without "intitle." This is extremely troubling, as titles (as opposed to tags etc) are my primary method of identifying and finding notes, so I use intitle all the time. If I can't trust the search results it's a problem for me. I just don't understand why the iPad app would produce different results from the same search, since the search obviously isn't being conducted locally. Has anyone else noticed something like this? Could I be doing something wrong?
  15. I have to say, you are the only person I've heard express this opinion. I mostly hear universal disdain for the unnecessary amounts of padding and white space. But even granting that some users do actually like it this way, there should at least be the option of a more compressed view. On a small device, like an iPad mini, it is a significant drawback if you want to, for example, be able to see as many search results as possible. Scrolling is an inconvenience, adding time and also mentally more difficult as you don't have everything in front of you. I have already submitted feedback on this point though, and perhaps someone will read it. Right now I'm more interested in what jpaz has done to "partially solve" the problem
  16. Thanks for this interesting post. Can you tell me about collapsible headers? I haven't discovered them yet. Also, how are the View zoom settings partially solving the problem - one of the things I hate most about v.10 - of too much padding? I can't figure out how to get more notes in the note list. The font gets smaller but the number of notes doesn't change. I was able to see twice as many in legacy. I also have had a few problems with the Android version - eg occasional failure to sync.
  17. I do have it set set to permit Evernote to sync regardless of whether I'm connected to wireless. Evernote is too important for me to limit it in any way!
  18. This is somewhat troubling. But I'm on a Galaxy S22, which is not an old device, so I can't blame that for my sync issue. I don't mind having to initiate sync - if it works quickly. But I thought one of the whole points of v.10 was instantaneous sync and *not* having to do that.
  19. *Thank you* for this!! It is so much more helpful than the vast majority of responses I've seen. There is a body of late adopters, and for us, or me at least, it is a waterfall of changes that feel uncomfortable and like they make everything more difficult, with no easy way to pick up on features that may either help me adapt or make me actually like v.10. I don't have time to go back through years of forum posts, and there's no "v.10 quick-start for late adopters"! So I really appreciate you making an effort to help! Thr multi-select option does sound useful. Is it n the (desktop) clipper? This is a browser extension right? I can't even remember I've been using the same one for so long! I am still using the legacy one, which works fine for v.10, but if the new one has some good features maybe it's time to make that change. I keep seeing references to backlinks, but I have to admit I don't know what they are.
  20. No, not from me,this is the first time I've noticed this. The flashing annoyingly I have noticed,and it's a truly annoying and disconcerting way of accomplishing what needs to be done. I didn't even realize what was happening til you said. Open Evernote, click on notes, notes appear, then it flashes back to home screen. Rinse, repeat sometimes a few times. Same on ipad. Surely there's a more graceful way to accomplish this. But the ailire to sync at all is a different problem. I'll have to pay careful atrention to see if it happens again.
  21. But there’s something more to this, because v.10 is also putting *new* web clips in these html content boxes, not just converted html notes. Legacy did not do this. If I wanted to add a comment in the middle of a clipped page, or highlight a term in forwarded email with html content, or delete an unwanted image in a clipped article, I could do that in all versions of legacy that I ever used, *without* eliminating all the html formatting. I can’t touch anything inside the html content boxes in v.10. This, for me at least, is a big change. It’s not just to keep the original note content from legacy notes “immutable” - which makes no sense anyway, as notes by their nature should be editable, not immutable. It’s a change to the way html notes are handled, unless I’m missing something. Why should *all* html formatting be stripped in order to make a single edit to one portion of a clipped page? This isn’t necessary, as evident from legacy. And it isn’t really in the spirit of Evernote. I mean, I’ll live with it, because I have no choice, and I can find ways to work around it. But why do i have to? Why do I keep finding ways in which Evernote has become less flexible, less user-friendly, less of thr things that made it so broadly adaptable and all-purpose? Other than uniformity among platforms, I’m desperately searching for *any* way in which I can say v.10 is an improvement, lets me do something useful I couldn’t do before, makes something easier or quicker, offers some useful new functionality. I really would like to discover some, rather than yet another unpleasant surprise! Right now all I’m doing is trying to find workarounds for and adapt to the many things that v.10 makes more difficult or time-consuming, or prevents me from doing entirely.
  22. No, forwarded emails with html content are also in these containers. It’s very problematic if you do a lot of web clipping and email forwarding. I’ve been trying hard not to be one of the people complaining constantly about everything to do with v.10, but it’s difficult when every discovery I’m making as I continue to use it and learn more about it is negative. Edited to add: a note that included a web clip, or a forwarded email with html content, is placed *entirely* in the html container, including any text comment added to the beginning of the note after it was added to Evernote legacy after clipping or forwarding. So you can’t even edit your comments that were totally outside the html content,
  23. This morning when I opened my Android app it was not synced - new notes added on *Tuesday* night on windows desktop Evernote were not there. Opening and closing the app, attempting to refresh, etc, did nothing. Meanwhile my iPad app was correctly synced and the notes showed there. I opened Evernote on windows laptop to double check the syncing there (the notes were there, as expected), and immediately after that the Android app synced and the notes appeared. I don’t understand this, and it is very troubling. Has anyone else experienced it? I only switched to v.10 on Android at the last moment, and I find myself increasingly mistrustful of it - eg search results I know are incomplete, especially using “intitle.” I hate feeling like I can’t rely on it, and this experience adds to that.
  24. I can open attachments and see shortcuts, but my Android app was not synced. It remained unsynced, with newer notes not appearing, until I opened Evernote on laptop! Meanwhile Evernote on iPad was correctly synced. This is a little troubling I have to admit.
  25. That was not a personal attack by any measure. The bizarre and biased defense of the one user in these forums most guilty of rudeness and personal attacks is so maddening and off-putting, and it never, ever changes.
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