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Everything posted by ENnut

  1. I'm on 10.53 iOS and I see the same issue reported by @Svense and @PinkElephant
  2. Is there a timeline for when 10.60.4 will roll out for the web client?
  3. This morning emails are arriving in my EN in seconds. Thank you!
  4. Looks as though I may be having this issue too. Sent two emails to Evernote 30 mins ago and neither has shown up.
  5. For me, on 10.59.5 on web client, I see this issue on saved searches and also when I just type directly in the search bar. Seems like half the time it works and the other half it fails. I created a ticket earlier today.
  6. Some notes open right up while others still take way too long. Frustrating. I'm using the web version.
  7. Agree 100%. Also, on iOS if I read a note it is updated with the time/date that I read it....even though I don't make a change.
  8. Are these two calendars in the same google account, or a single calendar in each of two separate google accounts?
  9. FWIW I use the Legacy Mac client because custom software developed for my business breaks on any Mac OS after High Sierra 10.13.6.
  10. Here's the settings I'm using: Here's the full URLs so you can copy/paste: EXAMPLE URL https://www.evernote.com/OutboundRedirect.action?dest=https%3A%2F%2Faurelio.me%2Fblog%2FHow-To-Get-Rid-Of-Evernote-s-Link-Interstitial%2F INCLUDE PATTERN https://www.evernote.com/OutboundRedirect.action?dest=*
  11. This solved the issue for me: https://aurelio.me/blog/How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Evernote-s-Link-Interstitial/
  12. For me, clicking on a stack shows me all notes from the stack's folders according to the sort criteria I've chosen, on Mac Legacy and Web. It doesn't work for me on iOS....the sort order seems random, but I do see all of the notes in the stack.
  13. I'm considering moving from Personal to Professional to get boolean search. Does boolean search work in EN Legacy for Mac? (Could not find a clear answer from searching the forum.)
  14. I haven’t yet tried Evercut …Chrome’s not my fav browser
  15. A little trial and error, and some searching, and I made a list of some that I found (including some markdown). Unfortunately, nothing for the search bar. https://www.evernote.com/shard/s1/client/snv?noteGuid=7532561b-3192-34d6-77aa-c4853be13821&noteKey=63021d00b8d8ed7939e0bd4a49b74ff6&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs1%2Fsh%2F7532561b-3192-34d6-77aa-c4853be13821%2F63021d00b8d8ed7939e0bd4a49b74ff6&title=Evernote%2BWeb%2BKeyboard%2BShortcuts
  16. I searched the forum and googled this, and it appears the answer is no. Hoping I'm wrong. I'm using EN web more these days and having to mouse up and click in the search bar ~50 times a day is a drag.
  17. Thanks, I've tested in a variety of scenarios. Every photo taken with the camera set to Photo mode has the issue. No photos taken with Auto mode have the issue.
  18. I noticed that when I take a photo note with the camera set to "photo," the entire right edge of the pic is sort of out of sync with the rest of the image. May be hard to see on the full size photo, so I've also included one zoomed in. This does *not* happen when the camera is set to "Auto." Looks like a bug. Anyone else see this? I'm on an iPhone with 16.1.1 and Evernote 10.44 (1127494).
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