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Everything posted by peterlemer

  1. thanks again, Mike, I'll have a play with your ideas ๐Ÿ™‚ pete
  2. Thanks Mike. Want is to enter a job as a task, make a note, then carry on. then browse through the tasks in a list ( as we have already) for the day. Then shuffle the tasks around so I can plan my workflow fro the day. And I don't appreciaste that it takes 5 clicks to move a task from today to tomorrow. I love Evernote, BTW ๐Ÿ™‚ adore it.
  3. Interesting, good mull! I can almost see it virtually. I'll have a go, thanks What it won't do, I think, is allow me to chop and change tasks across a kaleidoscope of projects ( notes) I'll also be experimenting with the in-house calendar to see whether I can create a re-orderable task list for the day. pete
  4. Thanks Mike. My problem is that I want to browse and order Tasks, not notes. ATEOTD I use Evernote to tell me what to do next. Since Tasks have a date & Time feature, ISTM that's where I would find what I want.
  5. Thanks Jann ๐Ÿ˜‰ A I asked Mike (above): Is there any way to have a collection of tasks linked to different notes, in a single re-orderable list? Copies are no good, since edits won't update between original and copy. How about aliases? Links?
  6. Thanks Mike ๐Ÿ˜‰ Is there any way to have a collection of tasks linked to different notes, in a single re-orderable list? Copies are no good, since edits won't update between original and copy. How about aliases? Links?
  7. I've tried draggng and dropping tasks onto a default task note as described above, and am puzzled. Where do I drag the tasks from, and how do I drag them? pete
  8. I hear you, sorry, all that happened to me but last year, and I've forgotten how I did it. I think I simply upgraded to the latest version. It sounds like that may not help you as you are already on the latest versions... I think? I am an infrequent visitor here, count me as a nearly-newbie ๐Ÿ™‚ pete
  9. Then you muyst seek help from those who use Windows 10. I've just copied a test file filepath from my documents folder and pasted it in Evernote 'File' menu and it looks like this:( and it works)
  10. I have no problems linking to files on my filesystem. Works a treat ๐Ÿ™‚ I suspect you're using a different link algorithm. Can you list the steps you have treid to take? I have to state that my computer is a mac, but I'd be surprised if there was a different method on PC pete
  11. Thanks for your good humour folks. However none seem to refer to the verb 'distribute' in the T&Cs pete
  12. Who owns the copyright of my music and photographs? It says: " by using the Evernote Service and uploading Content, you are granting us a license to display, perform and distribute your Content and to modify (for technical purposes, e.g., making sure content is viewable on smartphones as well as computers and other devices) and reproduce such Content to enable us to operate and offer the Evernote Service. " I know some folk have already terminated their use of Evernote for those reaons. What does the Panel think? pete
  13. Thanks bcal, I figured it out with help from this panel a while back. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now to figure out how to mark my query solved... pete
  14. Luxury! When I were a lad all I had was AtariST ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. @PinkElephant after many years of use ( 20+?), this is a brand new bit of Mac knowledge ๐Ÿ™‚ No wonder it was so hard to find fix. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. yes, as soon as I updated EN from the EN website it all worked well.Somehow I had been using the appstore version, naively assuming that they were identical. pete
  17. @PinkElephant after v10 update I was never without v7 for the reasons I have previously posted ad nauseam. I have since learnt that the update I got on the AppStore is significantly ( for my purposes) different to the natural in-app update. Two hurdles: 1. I incorrectly asked, repeatedly about opening local files in-app, when I really meant 'revealing in Finder' 2. The appStore version wouldn;t get me 'reveal in finder' All sorted now, thanks for riding shotgun on this ๐Ÿ™‚ pete
  18. @Boot17 Evernote is fully 'Permissed' ( IYKWIM) ๐Ÿ™‚ and has been all along...
  19. @PinkElephant@Boot17 Thanks again. I've put this in the link section:` file:////Users/petelemer2/Pictures/Saved Pictures/ And EN returns ( see attachment) 1. I don;t want to 'open' anything. I want to see the folder in Finder. 2. How do I adjust the permissions anyway? pete
  20. I have to own up to misleading the panel by using the wrong terms/concepts. However thanks to everyone who responded, which has helped me make some distinctions. What I am /really/ looking for is the familiar ( to me, at least) 'Reveal in Finder' This is what I've meant by 'open' which was/is incorrect. I dont't want files to open in EN, I want to go to the folder on my drive to access other material associated with a particuler audio. Again, apologies. I hope this makes my need clearer. pete
  21. Thanks David. Not sure what you mean about 10.60. I get " Evernote 10.58.8 is currently the newest version available." My interest is raised ๐Ÿ™‚ (later) Ahhhh, the app Store tells a different story. Now installing 10.60 pete
  22. That's lovely, agsteele, I played with it on my Mac and even dragged the file, let alone the alias, and they opened . However, It also opened all the other files in the Finder folder and... I don;t want to open a file, I want to open a folder in the FInder, not in EN, and browse the contents. Thanks for this good trick, I'll try to include it as I go forward cheers pete
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