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Everything posted by faq75

  1. It appears that the word search function on Evernote 10.86.8 is not functioning anymore. Anyone else having the same issue? Best, f.
  2. It's funny you say that because a few hours after I sent that email, I got an apology from the technical support team and a 3 month coupon to make up for the delays in solving the issue. Of course I would rather prefer the issue to be fixed and I hope that email escalated the matter.
  3. I emailed one of the Bending Spoon presidents to ask if they could get in touch to resolve this issue.
  4. Have told them. I'm waiting to hear if other users have had the same experience.
  5. A few minutes ago, I received a message from Evernotes asking me to update to the latest version to fix this problem. I did and just let them know it did not fix this problem. It appears they didn't even look at it. What am I paying for again?
  6. Well, I just called up their Swiss office and left a message with the person who answered. I won't go into too much detail but the message was clearly delivered and I hope someone at Evernote can begin fixing these outstanding issues.
  7. I'm not asking for phone support. I'm asking if anyone has phone numbers of their offices, listed or unlisted, or executives who work there. It has been more then 20 days and the issues I'm trying to work around are still not being acknowledged or resolved despite uploading videos and logs to their help site. The updates that have been carried out appear to focus on the aesthetics of the software, not the core issues. Well, guess I'm going to have to fix this myself...
  8. I'm aware of all these options and have exhausted them. If anyone has any number for their offices or staff, that'd be appreciated. Best, f.
  9. Well that's why I'm asking. Frankly I find your passive aggressive responses to simple queries unnerving. You could have just not responded. There is neither a need or a request to respond. Just something for you to think about in future.
  10. Hi there, I know about that which Is why I'm asking for contact numbers. Thanks. f.
  11. Hi there, Can anyone provide contact numbers for Evernote staff? I've tried the press office but they haven't responded. If anyone knows who I need to chat with to resolve these issues, that'd be appreciated. Best, f.
  12. Actually what would be useful is a contact number to someone at Evernote, perhaps their press officer. I've emailed several times but had no luck. If you have some contact numbers, that'd really helpful.
  13. And still nothing from Evernotes. I've uploaded several videos, submitted log files and no confirmation whatsoever they're dealing with the issue but at least they made the display more aesthetically pleasing. I'm happy to pay for a product that works but I fear this will go to two months now.
  14. I sent in the request on the 13th Dec and it's now 15th Jan. They asked to see logs and a video of the problem. I sent them several. I sent them nudges in the new year. No response.
  15. My issue has been ongoing for a month and there's been absolutely no response. Several days may turn into several months at this rate...
  16. I'm afraid Evernote tech support are just not listening. Two updates but yet none of them attempt to address this issue. Tech support has only sent out one email and no update since.
  17. Does Evernote chat support actually exist or is it vapourware? Each time I try and get an update on an ongoing issue with their software, it tells me to either submit a new ticket or go to the forum. It's like they've given up on chat support, it's never open, and are crowdsourcing their technical team from here. Anyone spoken to anyone in chat support recently? When is a good time to reach them?
  18. I didn't post about the issue here but in their request section of their website via their "email" service. Chat is always out of action so have to post there. Also, some professions continue to work during the holidays such as journalists.
  19. No improvement my end and despite my work deadline, Evernote isn't responding to my requests for help. I'll have to look at Google Docs as this kind of issue really does impact my productivity.
  20. Just got a message from Evernote tech team saying they now have a fix for this issue in their next release that is due out early next week.
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