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Outlook clipper: images appearing as .bin

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Not sure why but sometimes, clipping an email from my Outlook client with an image inside the message will result in the image appearing as a .bin, and sometimes i will see the image itself (jpg).

I think it is a recent problem, and it seems inconcistent to me.

Anybody has a clue?

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Don't know if it's the answer,  but if you search "outlook bin attachment" you'll get a lot of hits including explanations that

There's a new standard for attachment names,  RFC2231,  which requires that any spaces and special characters in the attachment filenames are converted to their MIME equivalent. For example, a file name "my document.doc" is converted to "my_document.doc".  Outlook and some older clients (it says here) still use the old standard RFC2047. As a result, they do not recognize the converted filename format and rename those attachments to .BIN or .DAT

If your problem is intermittent,  it my be that some of your emails come from old standard mail clients,  and some from new.

Not sure there's a cure as such.  If you rename one of the BIN files to JPG,  does it display correctly?

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