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Idea: Hotkey Customization

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Wonderful product, I use it constantly, it is my "home base" for working and getting things done, happy "Business" subscriber 

In various IDEAS in this forum, people allude to issues/preferences for various hotkeys and I would like to suggest the idea that you add a Hotkey Customization option that could/would allow "power users" to solve their own hotkey issues/preferences without needing to post here each time. Here's a screenshot of of what I mean: https://www.google.com/search?q=custom+hotkey+screenshot&espv=2&biw=1067&bih=513&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjItO_x4qzNAhXMRSYKHad0BM0Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=omqMx38VFPhEQM%3A

And if that's too tall of an order, please consider adding a hotkey or hotkey-sequence for setting Reminders!

Thank you for your consideration


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  • Level 5*
46 minutes ago, dpstiller4 said:

I would like to suggest the idea that you add a Hotkey Customization option that could/would allow "power users" to solve their own hotkey issues/preferences

Your link showed Apple Mac screenshots, where the option is built into the OS to add custom hotkeys.  You might also try asking Microsolft for a similar option in Windows.
You could also look at key management utilities that perform this type of function.

As an example I added hotkeys for the note sort options on my Mac
I was surprised that Evernote recognized the hotkey customization and displayed it in the menus as shown in the attached screenshot

Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 7.52.45 AM.png

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