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What happened to my monthly allotment?

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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, mattsh said:

I hardly touched my Evernote account this month, yet my monthly allotment is gone in 10 days.  Or maybe I didn't get my allotment for this month.  What gives?  

I'd suggest contacting Evernote Support.  The link is below.

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  • Level 5*
18 hours ago, csihilling said:

Do a created:20160401 search (use the date your month started) and see what the note sizes are, easiest in list view.

Good idea for feedback.  I'd probably use date updated instead of created. (Mac)


Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 3.58.52 PM.png

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  • Level 5*

Date updated may be better.  Still can't quite tell since you don't know how many times notes have been updated.  But it should get you in the neighborhood.

EDIT:  Had another thought.  In some other post a user mentioned that updated date was not being created for some notes.  So, perhaps an ANY search for created:20160401 updated:20160401 would be the more robust search.


Nothing to do with this thread, but in testing the above I also did an AND search for created and updated.  I expected to get a note count that would be the same as a created only search.  I didn't.  Makes no sense to me since all the updated dates for the created from 4/1 notes are 4/1 or later as well.  Am I missing something?

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