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Evernote search gets weirder

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The problem: Show all notes that start with the tag "road trip.country.mexico.baja".  

Evernote's solution: tag:"road trip.country.mexico.baja

Notice that a closing quote is not required anywhere in the string.  Sometime ago tag:"road trip".country.mexico.baja.* would return the correct notes - not today.

To get all notes that start with the tag "road trip.country.mexico.baja" AND that have the word "baja" in the note's title tag:".baja works.

The quote character seems to standing in for the * character. Did the Evernote programmers do this intentionally or is it a bug?  How long will this particular search grammar be valid?

I'm using the OS X version of Evernote.

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  • Level 5*

OK, well, you either use a pair of quotes, or none.  Using only one quote is asking for problems with any search engine.  Quote are needed ONLY if there are spaces in the tag name (or notebook name).

What versions of OS and Evernote are you running?

The following searches work fine for me in EN Mac 6.4 on Yosemite (10.10.5):

  • tag:sw.js.*
  • tag:sw.js.jxa
  • tag:sw.js.javascript
  • tag:.NB.*
  • tag:.NB.IT
  • etc

The Search terms that end in "*" return all notes who have a tag assigned to them that begin with the preceding text.

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  • Level 5*


I have a simple tag Statement, so I though I would try a few cases.  Let's say the total number of notes for tag Statement is x.

  • search tag:"statement returns x
  • search tag:"statement" returns x
  • search tag:"stat* returns none
  • search tag:stat* returns x

I tried a two part tag St.Farm and the same searches produced the same results, different x obviously.  So search seems to ignore the " except when you do a partial tag wild card search.  Not an extensive test set, but enough for me at this point.  Weird. 

IAC, I would say your search should be tag road trip.country.mexico.baja* to get all notes that have a tag that starts with that.  Definitely don't want the " in the mix.


4 hours ago, dyuhas said:

Notice that a closing quote is not required anywhere in the string.  Sometime ago tag:"road trip".country.mexico.baja.* would return the correct notes - not today.

Relative to this, I would enter the search and see what the Search Explanation shows to see how EN parsed it (good for any search that doesn't make sense).  It seems to me it should be notes with the tag road.trip AND all words country, mexico, and baja.  If you don't have a tag road.trip I would be mystified. 

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