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Changes don't save using "Find and Replace"

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I'm on Windows 7.

When I change a word using "Find and Replace " (Ctrl+H), the word changes in the file.  But that change doesn't get saved even after I do a "sync,"  and the "Updated" column doesn't show that the file was updated.

But if I make the exact same change by manually re-typing the word in the file, the "Updated" column shows that the file was updated as soon as I move to another file or do a "sync."

What do I need to do to make the changes get saved with "Find and Replace"?  

I've already tried re-installing Evernote and powering my computer on and off, but I'm still seeing the same problem.  Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in the program?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Level 5*

Looks like a bug you may want to report. 

Workaround would be to go to the body of the note and add/delete a space after the changes are made.  This seems to trigger EN that the note has changed.

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7 hours ago, csihilling said:

Looks like a bug you may want to report. 

Workaround would be to go to the body of the note and add/delete a space after the changes are made.  This seems to trigger EN that the note has changed.

Thanks for your input!  Glad to know that it's a bug rather than a problem on my end.

Pardon my newbie question (first time on the forum) -- but how are bugs reported?  Should I post in the "Windows Desktop Product Feedback" section? 


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