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(Archived) search_term with underscore....

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hi all,

reading this and this and, of course my own topic

leads me to the question: why is the underscore _ interpreted as an delimiter?


i was searching for "ws_konsum" but EN found "ws" and ... i don't know...

i do a lot of "technical" search in EN, i.e searching vor source code or search terms which contain non alphabetical characters like

# hash 
_ underscore
- minus
+ plus
$ dollar
§ paragraph
" quote
/ slash and backslash

how can i search for this special characters?

and of couse, what did i understand wrong, because, i understood (out of the mentioned posts above) that searching for "ws_konsum" will find "ws_konsum" and not "ws" and "konsum" .


  • Level 5*

In my reading of the posts that you referenced, and in my own tests, the '-' character is *not* interpreted as a delimiter, but rather as a normal character. For example, I put the string 'hello_world' into a note. A search for 'hello' found several notes, including the 'hello_world' note; a search for 'hello_' found only the hello_world' note, which is what you'd expect if '_' was treated as a normal character.

I am wondering whether this is a UNICODE thing; that is, whether your underscore character is a different one than the one I am using, and is not treated in the same way.


In my reading of the posts that you referenced, and in my own tests, the '-' character is *not* interpreted as a delimiter, but rather as a normal character. For example, I put the string 'hello_world' into a note. A search for 'hello' found several notes, including the 'hello_world' note; a search for 'hello_' found only the hello_world' note, which is what you'd expect if '_' was treated as a normal character.

I am wondering whether this is a UNICODE thing; that is, whether your underscore character is a different one than the one I am using, and is not treated in the same way.


Thanks Jeff,

did you do this in Win or Mac?

i tested it with your fine example of 'hello_world' too and it was the same (imho wrong) effect as with 'ws_konsum'

as you (all) can see on my screenshot, the '_' is handled as a delimeter, because it makes 'ws' 'konsum' out of 'ws_konsum'

i post a screenshot of my keyboard :-) the jack is on the key, i use for '_' together with the SHIFT key next to it. nothing special, i think :-)

how can i find out something about this unicode thing, maybe its been used by EN or not?


hmm. my keyboads is kinda dusty 8-}

  • Level 5*

I use the Win 3.5 client.

I don't really know all that much about Unicode, but it just seemed odd to me that we have different behaviors, and Unicode was one difference that I could think of. So I am really just guessing that it might be an issue.


  • 1 year later...

Has this been resolved at all? Perhaps it is a Mac thing?

I was running a search for AnkG_01 in Evernote on my Mac (version 2.0.5, build 130391), which finds AnkG and AnkG 01 but not actually AnkG_01. I thought underscores was NOT treated as a delimiter?? Using the web version however, it does find AnkG_01, and that only.

Can someone please explain what's going on?



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