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Missing address field when saving contact


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When I scan a business card into Scannable it correctly identifies the address field & displays it in Scannable.  However when I save to my iPhone 5s contacts the address field is not there.  I am logged into LinkedIn during the scan and the scan also produces a LinkedIn URL but that is also missing when the contact is saved.  The address field is missing in the final saved contact regardless if I am logged into LinkedIn or not.  Any ideas why this is happening?


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Can you use the Evernote app business card scanning feature?  Have you updated your Scannable to v1.2?  I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstalling Scannable if you need to get it running correctly,  and if you are running 1.2,  and still have errors,  try posting more information here - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/86432-scannable-12-with-new-color-restore-feature-more/

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I am using Scannable v1.21 (741).  I can't use the Evernote app business card scanning because I can't then get the data from there into my contacts.  Thanks for the suggestion - I have cross-posted the problem to the URL you suggest.

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