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I found 2 notes, created 2 days ago, with SPAM content. I don't understand where it cames from, I use Evernote in my Windows 8.1 PC and in my KitKat Android Phone


I cannot write the note's content because the forum marks this as spam, but it's a note about Banana Kong game.


I could not find anyone else with this problem, so not sure if this was a problems with another app, or something else.


This guy has a similar problem: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/82073-spam-email-is-appearing-in-my-account/#entry349083

but I'm not getting this messages in my email, so it's not the same problem.



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You maybe need to create a new email address in your Evernote account. The one with username.Figures-and-letters @m.evernote.com, the one you can use to send email to Evernote if you have a plus or premium account.

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You maybe need to create a new email address in your Evernote account. The one with username.Figures-and-letters @m.evernote.com, the one you can use to send email to Evernote if you have a plus or premium account.

I have a free account but found the email address  you are talking about, and changed it, I hope this solves the problem. Thanks a lot!

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You maybe need to create a new email address in your Evernote account. The one with username.Figures-and-letters @m.evernote.com, the one you can use to send email to Evernote if you have a plus or premium account.

I have a free account but found the email address  you are talking about, and changed it, I hope this solves the problem. Thanks a lot!



You're welcome.

I hate spam

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  • 4 months later...

I've just discovered a note in my own inbox that meets these criteria. Curious thing is that it was addressed not to my cryptic "mail it to my Evernote" email address, but to the email address I've maintained for two decades and remains usable only because of the watchful algorithms in the OS X app "Spamsieve." My inference is that BOTH my Evernote email address and conversational email address have been harvested by some miscreant. I find this surprising, because I've used the Evernote email address myself less than a dozen times! The Evernote note and the incoming email both contain a compressed attachment which is claimed to be an invoice that I'm alleged to have forgotten to pay. Examining the email message's headers, I don't find any text string that refers to my "Evernote" email address. You can bet I've not opened the attachment!


In order for this to have occurred, it would seem that the miscreant would have to know both my conversational email address and my Evernote email address and have inserted the latter in the bcc field of the email message. Am I correct on that? That would seem to be WAY too much work for some a**h*le to do with a harvested address book and makes me worry that I've been targeted personally!




One other question: can anyone reading this conceive of a way that I could actually be harmed by this? I do subscribe to the Evernote service "File This" which puts financial statements into my Evernote database.


Thanks so much.

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