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Yesterday I was typing on my phone and I highlighted everything, trying to make everything the same font, but by accident I clicked the voice recorder and it replaced everything I'd written with a voice recording. I didn't freak out, because I'd done it before so when I got out of my car, I checked evernote on my laptop, hoping that it hadn't synced yet, but it did. Now I'm home and I checked the app on my desktop, and when I saw it, it wasn't synced, but right when I clicked it it synced. I've tried undoing it and everything, but I think its to late for that now that its been a day since I did that on my phone. I'm a free user, is there any way to retrieve it? I worked so hard on the story I'd been writing and I can't figure out how to fix it. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  It depends on your OS,  but undeletes / undo operations are available in most,  provided they're implemented at the right time.  Evernote gives you an extra layer too - though all that might be too late now that 24 hours or so has passed since the problem.


If you catch this sort of thing quickly,  the things to do are:

  • At the time,  Undo what you just did - Ctrl-Z in Windows,  Cmd-Z in Mac,  'shake' in iOS.  Android doesn't do 'undo',  although some apps (not Evernote) have their own equivalent.  'Undo' may step back several times (in iOS one shake=one keystroke).
  • Stop the sync - if you have other devices on this account,  or can use a desktop browser to access the Web version,  your current device has to sync changes 'up' to the server before your mistake goes global,  so kill it there if you can.  If not,  get to another device and stop them syncing the change down from the server so that you have the original note at least on one of the devices.
  • Copy the note - if you have one with 'original' content it will be overwritten by the sync,  so the way the preserve it is to create a new note and copy/ paste the content across.
  • Have a backup - worst case you could restore the previous day / week / month database (although there's some question whether that might then be overwritten by the latest version on sync.  It might be necessary to delete all notes first and then restore).
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  • Level 5*



I agree with @csihilling that upgrading to a Premium account for 1 month, and then using the Note History to restore your note to a prior version is probably your best bet.  After the upgrade, just click on the Note and then goto menu Note > Note History... in EN Mac (EN Win should be similar).

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