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Searching Tags

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I have the free version; when I try to search for a note through tags I get no response although I have tried multiple times. Do you have to have the premium version for the searching of tags to work?

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  • Level 5

Searching works for free version.

In Evernote Windows, just add the search term in the search field (upper right corner)


Format is to start with TAG: immediately followed by the search term

If tag is two words, quote marks are needed


Example for tag named Office



Example for tag named Barack Obama

tag:"Barack Obama"


(Note - there is no space after the colon)

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  • Level 5*

Google search is your friend.

Try searching for "evernote tag search"



I have the free version; when I try to search for a note through tags I get no response although I have tried multiple times. Do you have to have the premium version for the searching of tags to work?

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