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tracking changes and leaving comments in a note

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We are Evernote Business users for a year now.


Top missing feature to use the app as a collaborative tool is the capacity to track changes (who has change what in a note) as well as the possibility to leave comments on specific parts of a note identifying the author of the comment.


Is there any way to achieve this today in Evernote, are there any plans in the future ?


Many thanks in advance

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We are Evernote Business users for a year now.


Top missing feature to use the app as a collaborative tool is the capacity to track changes (who has change what in a note) as well as the possibility to leave comments on specific parts of a note identifying the author of the comment.


Is there any way to achieve this today in Evernote, are there any plans in the future ?


Many thanks in advance


Evernote is an app to collect & organise notes to which one can add some text. In effect, it is a digital filing cabinet with excellent search capabilities. It is nohting more, nothing less than that. For proper text editing you need to use another app because EN was not designed for that.

However, there are some text editing apps that integrate with EN:

Marxico, Sublime Text, EverMark, Markable, ...... These are all Markdown apps, which allow you to compose text marked up with formatting syntax, which you can send on to your EN account.

The 1st two have been discussed on the 3rd party app forum.

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  • 4 months later...

@Metrodon Some features are usefull to some people (like annotation in PDF), some other ones are usefull for some other people. This one is not usefull for you. Clearly :-)

I was looking for the ability to add comments on a note, we really, really, miss that. Let's say I post a note with a document, I would like to have comments "about" the document, not inside the document. And to see who has made the comment.


A killing feature could be to link a Work Chat thread to a note.

The suggestion to leave comments on specific parts of a note identifying the author of the comment is great !

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  • Level 5*

I'm not saying that it isn't a good use case - I'm just saying that at the moment, Evernote is a really bad choice of application if it is something you want to do.


You are basically describing Track Changes in Word.

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  • Level 5*

Top missing feature to use the app as a collaborative tool is the capacity to track changes (who has change what in a note) as well as the possibility to leave comments on specific parts of a note identifying the author of the comment.


This seems to be a dup post to:

tracking changes and seing team comments in a note


Please see my response in that thread:

See How to Manually Track Changes to a Note

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