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PC won't sync with web


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I have Evernote syncing on 2 Androids and the Evernote website with no issues. I just installed the windows application and logged in to it. When I try to sync with web it will give me the sync complete message, but the notes do not sync either way. (I created a test note on the pc) No notes are coming in to the pc or going out to the web. I haven't been able to find anyone with this exact same problem. Not sure if this has any impact on my issue or not --- when I look at my account on the web under Security/Applications I see my 2 Android devices listed as authorized applications, but the pc is not listed at all. 


Not willing to upgrade to premium service unless I can get this working on the pc. 

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Tried to reply but I was unable to post because it contained suspicious spam.  Sorry.


If this posts, check out another thread about the new beta which is supposed to solve sync problems.  If you can find it, I posted about my sync failure problems related to pdf today as well.  You can read about my experience there.  Good luck.

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  • Level 5*

You need to check whether the note made it to the Evernote servers using the Evernote web client. If it's there, then the problem is with syncing to your mobile devices. If it isn't there, then the problem is with the PC -> Evernote sync, and you should check your activity log (Help / Activity Log) for clues.

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Yes. I did check the web client and could see the difference.  My problems started when I started using web clipper.  Shortly after using it, the desktop stopped syncing. I tried all the steps suggested in the knowledge base. Ultimately, it wasn't until I removed a pdf attachment that I had made using clipper did it solve the main problem with the desktop computer.  For whatever reason my desktop was choking on it. Once removed, it began to sync again.  I removed the offending pdf from the web client and all the devices just in case and cleaned out the trash.


Then when everything else was fine, I noticed there was one note that was not syncing on the laptop (but it was on the web client and on other devices).  Ultimately I discovered it didn't like the URL that had been put in the information box by clipper when I had clipped the note from a web site. Just removing the URL enabled the note to sync with my laptop (my other devices by then were not having trouble).


I'm not sure what was going on, but it clearly had more to do with my devices' reactions to certain notes--ones that had been clipped from clipper. But it is alright now.

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You need to check whether the note made it to the Evernote servers using the Evernote web client. If it's there, then the problem is with syncing to your mobile devices. If it isn't there, then the problem is with the PC -> Evernote sync, and you should check your activity log (Help / Activity Log) for clues.

I have checked the Evernote web client and it is working fine with the 2 Android devices. The problem is somehow with the PC version. The Activity log  on the PC shows synchronization, but everything listed below is 0% and then activity complete. I have no idea what to do to fix it. I did try renaming the database folder as mentioned in another post that didn't work and I don't believe it's a corrupt file since I only have a couple small test files with no attachments saved. 


11:25:13 [4044] Client synchronization started
11:25:13 [4832] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s544
11:25:13 [4832] 0% Loaded updateCount: 7
11:25:13 [4832] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1
11:25:13 [4832] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 7
11:25:14 [4044] Client synchronization finished, status: complete
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My problem has been solved. Not sure exactly what fixed it, but what I did today was install Evernote on a second PC and strangely everything synced with the first PC and web but not the 2 Android devices. I logged out and back in on each Android device and presto....they are all communicating and everything is synced. It would seem to be an account issue. Almost as if I had 2 accounts, but I only have one login and I set all devices up yesterday so it's not like I forgot and started a new one. Anyway thanks for the help from everyone. I did read the suggested threads and they did inspire me to try a different approach to the problem. 

By the way, now when I look at my account on the Evernote web client under Security/Applications I see my 2 Android devices listed as authorized applications along with the 2 PCs. Yesterday the PC was not on the list.

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