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How to export a workbook/note

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You are using the web client online. You can only export using the desktop client.

You need to download either Evernote for Mac or Evernote for Windows and install it on your local machine. Then you should have the ability to export your data through .ENEX files.

What you are currently using is the web client. It has nothing to do with premium vs free accounts. It's more of an interface thing. The old and the beta web clients have radically different user interfaces... But neither will help you export your data. That must be done on a desktop client that you need to directly download from the Evernote site.

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Many thanks Frank,


I think it could be difficult to install desktop sofware (problems of rights as not administrator).

I heard about API for Evernote interfacing with Excel but It should be the same issue.


Best would be to be able to put Evernote notes contents into Excel/Microsoft Word from the web client (more precisely Chrome).

Do you know if there exist such add-in (Chrome extension) build in Javascript or other langages to achieve such tasks ? 

I look for the same functionalities from Diigo. This possibility will determine my ultimate bookmarking tool choice.

Best regards.

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  • Level 5*

There are no extensions (AFAIK) that will allow you to do this.  Evernote isn't really a good fit for the use case you seem to have in mind.  You can install the desktop version anywhere that you have permissions to do so,  and it will download all your notes and give you far more control over output.  If you have no access to desktop,  your output options are severely limited.

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