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Searching different language text in images just not working

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Hey everyone,


I've been trying to work this out for around two weeks now. I'm trying to use Evernote to save screenshots of webpages in Russian, and then search for specific words in those images, but it doesn't work. Through searching I've read that this particular search function does work with other languages. I've tried setting my Evernote account language settings to Russian, but still no luck.


I can find Russian text that I've typed into notes, but when it comes to text in images I'm having no luck. These images have had time to reach the server, as I can find any English terms that come up, but nothing in the Cyrillic alphabet. 


I'm hoping to use this function as part of my Master's thesis methodology, and it's proving a disappointment that this doesn't work despite people saying that it should. Is there anything I'm missing or can do to fix this? Or is the information I've read wrong, and this particular function not available in Russian?


Thank you for any help,


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Hi @Malinkibear,


Quick question(s):

  • Have you checked on your desktop client to see whether the attachments in the notes have been indexed (in note information)?
  • Have you tried searching for OCRed notes on the web client/ mobile clients?
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Hi @Malinkibear,


Quick question(s):

  • Have you checked on your desktop client to see whether the attachments in the notes have been indexed (in note information)?
  • Have you tried searching for OCRed notes on the web client/ mobile clients?


Hi @Frank.dg


I've just doublechecked - yes, the note information says all attachments have been indexed, and I've tried searching on all my devices, and then some - iPad, iPhone, laptop, my girlfriend's macbook, and computers at university. No luck on anything!

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  • Level 5*


Hmmn.  Are your images bigger than 3000 x 2400px  with resolution around 300 DPI?

No, could this be the issue? I'll try screenshotting in a bigger resolution and seeing what happens...



Maybe - those are the maximum limits for image OCR,  so don't get too detailed,  but conversely low DPI may not give the OCR engine enough to work with.

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I am able to search words in indexed images in both English and Portuguese. I assumed the OCR technology just recognized any language... but I did a bit of hunting... and if you go to your account Settings page:


  • On Web: Settings > Personal Settings > Language > Recognition Language
  • On (Windows) desktop: Help > Go to my Account Page > Personal Settings > Language > Recognition Language

... you will see that you can select from a number of recognition languages + English. Mine was already automatically set to Brazilian Portuguese + English, most likely owing to the fact that I live in Brazil. On the dropdown menu, I see Russian 4th from the bottom. 


Give that a try. It may be that. Perhaps it depends on the region you're accessing Evernote from, which would automatically set the recognition language... or at least the region one downloads any of the clients from. 


I have no idea, if when one changes the recognition language, whether your notes might have to be re-indexed for that language to show in searches... or if that just tells Evernote to watch for that language. That would be interesting to know.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote don't (usually) discuss plans or developments until a feature is launched.  You could contact support to see whether they have any suggestions,  or raise it as a feature request to generate some traction...

Evernote brought in a new system at the start of 2016 - Feedback Counters.  Start a new topic on the feedback pages,  and you can get others to register their interest (or otherwise) in the issue.  The more clicks the (presumably) more likely Evernote are to give that feature more weight in any development plans.

If someone can create a new topic in one (or more) of the feedback forums where up voting exists and post the link(s) here,  anyone who's interested can express their support in a meanigful way by clicking the counter.

Windows   https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-windows-desktop-product-feedback/

Mac   https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-mac-product-feedback/

Web   https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/234-web-beta-product-feedback/

General Feedback - that's coming we're told...

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