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Richard Nash


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! ....and please XD


Evernote is great and all, but the lack of paragraph styles is just absolutely maddening for me. Every time I want to format a paragraph as an H1, H2, etc... I have to manually format each one, add spaces around them, etc... and in a long document this broken workflow can become so intensely frustrating and soul crushing, especially coming from HTML and CSS where one line change in my CSS will change all instances of an HTML tag, that it can make a person want to give it all up and drive off an Arizona cliff, "Thelma and Louise" style.


Now, I know your team wants to make Evernote simple. but there is such a thing as "too simple" meaning that the fundamental, bare minimum feature set is not fully represented, and this lack of fundamental features ends up crippling a users workflow. This is also a reason why I have never upgraded to Evernote premium. Rich text editing in Evernote has always been below the standard that I expect for a rich text editor, which is really what Evernote is, after all.


It would be amazing if Evernote added the ability to quickly add H1, H2, H3 ... H6 header tags, paragraph tags, and other necessities and allow the user to choose different stylistic themes.


It would be even better if Evernote then added font size, line height, line length and vertical rhythm sliders to allow the user to quickly change the spacing of the text in the document on the fly and immediately see the visual results in real time. All of these parameters could adjust themselves in relation to each other, maintaining proper ratios and generally observe good typographic principles, while at the same time maintaining the simplicity and delightful ease of use that I think your team is after with Evernote web beta.


The current situation in Evernote web beta feels incomplete, if not broken. It definitely needs adjustment, and if this were to happen then I could consider it the viable platform that it seemingly wants to be.


Of course this my opinion, but it's an opinion that is pushing me, and others that I have discussed this matter with, away from Evernote and into the arms of other solutions.




Richard Nash

Los Angeles, CA

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Posted · Hidden by charboyd, January 13, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by charboyd, January 13, 2015 - No reason given

what isn't working is this minimalist looking but inefficient "slidey/pretty" effects.


when will notebook & tag stacks be migrated? Until then the beta is next to useless for me

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