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To Evernote team; Bug report

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I have a note that contains an Excel file. Here are two bugs:
1. The preview is stuck and shows how the Excel sheet looked long ago. This same preview has been around a long time, even after Evernote updates.
2. The green field results are shown double.
Thought you wanted to know this ...
Have a great day!


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  • Level 5*



I have a note that contains an Excel file. Here are two bugs:


I suggest you Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug, crash, or data lost", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.

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  • Level 5*

Is that note showing a copy/ paste job from the spreadsheet to the note?  If so,  you should be aware that what you have is a snapshot of the spreadsheet as it stood at that time.  It wouldn't be updated - there's no link between the data in the spreadsheet and the information in the note,  which got there by way of the clipboard on your computer. 


If the content of your spreadsheet were shown as an inline view,  then yes - what you should be seeing is the current version.  Otherwise you'd have to copy and paste that area again to update it.

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Is that note showing a copy/ paste job from the spreadsheet to the note?  If so,  you should be aware that what you have is a snapshot of the spreadsheet as it stood at that time.  It wouldn't be updated - there's no link between the data in the spreadsheet and the information in the note,  which got there by way of the clipboard on your computer. 


If the content of your spreadsheet were shown as an inline view,  then yes - what you should be seeing is the current version.  Otherwise you'd have to copy and paste that area again to update it.


No, it's no copy/ paste job. It's a spreadsheet I imported to Evernote. Whenever I need to edit the figures, I launch the sheet from Evernote.

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  • Level 5*

Sorry to belabor the point,  but your view is very different to a Windows version - I get that the spreadsheet is attached to the note and can be edited from there,  but is the actual table an inline display?  If so I'm really impressed - and I want this in Windows!!  ..and yes,  not updating the inline display is a bug!


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Sorry to belabor the point,  but your view is very different to a Windows version - I get that the spreadsheet is attached to the note and can be edited from there,  but is the actual table an inline display?  If so I'm really impressed - and I want this in Windows!!  ..and yes,  not updating the inline display is a bug!


Come over to the bright side! :)

You just drag the spreadsheet to the Evernote icon, and it's in! So yes, the actual table is an inline display. I do this with spreadsheets I need to be able to access anywhere.

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@gazumped Yes, the actual spreadsheet is shown inline in the note. I see the current version of the spreadsheet there. But Quick Looking (via the little eye icon in upper right) shows the note in an earlier state.

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I'm having exactly the same problem (Mac), even after I've deleted the spreadsheet in the note and reinserted the spreadsheet, it still show an older version....  I can't trust Evernote's Quick Look any more. Someone suggested that Evernote uses the OS X Quick Look (right click on file), but I have tried this with the spreadsheet outside of Evernote and it works fine.

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This issue doesn't really bother me re the excel file I've been testing; no need to Quick Look it when I see the latest version inline. However, I haven't tested whether the QL preview is properly updated for other file types.

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Problem I've got is that my spreadsheets are large, for stocktaking hundreds of products, so the inline version is not readable (although I can tell it shows the latest version by inserting a test block of colour in some cells). I got the Quick Look to update just now by deleting the note, making a new note and reinserting the spreadsheet, but it still doesn't update again when changes are made to the spreadsheet, just always shows the version which was used when the note was created. No good to me I'm afraid.

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  • 1 year later...

Yesterday I requested an update to your latest version. So far I have found two bugs. And this after working only two minutes.


1. When I enter content into the "Add a reminder to ToDoList" the blue text is not deleted as I type. So the text I type is laid over the blue text. Sorry I can't do a screen capture to show you.


2. With the old version, I was able to delete items using the Delete button on the keyboard. I now have to use the pop-up menu, replacing one simple operation with three.


I am using an Apple laptop with OX X Yosemote Version 10.10.5.


Please. In the future, do not release a new version of your software until you have tested it. Up until today, I was fairly happy with Evernote, but the with this release, the professionalism of your company has taken a hit.

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  • Level 5*
On 12/14/2015 at 11:41 AM, Lee Wimberly said:

1. When I enter content into the "Add a reminder to ToDoList" the blue text is not deleted as I type. So the text I type is laid over the blue text. Sorry I can't do a screen capture to show you.

I don't understand what this means.  Please provide more details, or a screenshot (the best way to communicate), which are easy to do and post here.
See How to take a screenshot on your Mac


On 12/14/2015 at 11:41 AM, Lee Wimberly said:

2. With the old version, I was able to delete items using the Delete button on the keyboard. I now have to use the pop-up menu, replacing one simple operation with three.

Thankfully, Evernote has changed the Delete Note shortcut to ⌘⌫ starting with EN Mac 6.3.
Requires only ONE step, not 3, and no popups are involved.  This is the Mac standard, as is used by the Finder to delete files.

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