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How to add text before a list

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If my note starts with a list, I can't place the cursor before the list to type anything before the list. I have to cut the list, type something and paste the list after it. Is there a better way? Every editor or word processor I use let's me type anything anywhere.

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Position your cursor at the first item in the list, before the item text, but after the bullet/number/checkbox as indicated by the vertical line:

  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3

hit "enter"/"return" to push the whole list down one notch, creating a blank list item at the top of the list.

  •  |
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • list item 3

With your cursor at the blank list item you just created, indicated by the vertical line, hit the backspace key (perhaps several times), to clear the bullet/number/checkbox and start a new text paragraph. 

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If my note starts with a list, I can't place the cursor before the list to type anything before the list. I have to cut the list, type something and paste the list after it. Is there a better way? Every editor or word processor I use let's me type anything anywhere.


Do they really work that differently? Another user was more proactive.

Didn't the forums have subforums for each client?

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Position your cursor at the first item in the list, before the item text, but after the bullet/number/checkbox as indicated by the vertical line:

  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3

hit "enter"/"return" to push the whole list down one notch, creating a blank list item at the top of the list.

  •  |
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • list item 3

With your cursor at the blank list item you just created, indicated by the vertical line, hit the backspace key (perhaps several times), to clear the bullet/number/checkbox and start a new text paragraph. 



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  • Level 5*


If my note starts with a list, I can't place the cursor before the list to type anything before the list. I have to cut the list, type something and paste the list after it. Is there a better way? Every editor or word processor I use let's me type anything anywhere.


Do they really work that differently? Another user was more proactive.

Didn't the forums have subforums for each client?


In some instances, yes they do. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked.  And yes, you can post in the Evernote forum, or tag appropriately for your client, but you didn't do that. I'd prefer not to guess.


What Scott suggested is common in many other programs as well.

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