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Copy/Share URL

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I don't understand what copy/share URL does?  Where is it copied?  Where is it shared?

I've been pressing "copy/share URL," then opening the URL in a browser, copying the URL to the clipboard, and then inserting the URL into a document that I'm working on.  

Is it necessary to first press "copy/share URL"? 



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Hi Pamela,


By default in Evernote your notes are private (unless you put them in a shared notebook)

If you press Copy Share URL (see below) Evernote generates a public link for your note that you can share with your friends or put in any document.

Two things to mention:

1. this URL will stay the same even if you change the content of the note.

2. you have the option to un-share at any time 



I hope this answers your question,


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