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(Archived) ToDo list management in Evernote

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Hi Dave,

I'm probably being a bit thick, but I can't seem to find the icon/command on the Evernote desktop client for adding a checkbox for task completion to each of my notes. Ideally, I'd like this to be automatic (e.g. whenever I create a new note, it automatically inherits the "mark complete" checkbox) but will settle for adding it for each new note.

I notice that the web interface automatically has it, but my iPhone and Desktop don't.

Thanks in advance for your help!



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On the Mac, there's a button in the formatting controls for the note to insert a ToDo checkbox.

On the Windows client, you can right-click inside the note to insert an item.

There's currently no way to add a new ToDo checkbox into a note from the iPhone due to the limited (text-only) editing capabilities of the iPhone OS.

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Just to clarify my previous post, I'm currently using Notebooks as the ToDo list and then using the individual notes as the action items.

For example:

Notebook: @Computer

Notes (actions): 1) Check bank account 2) email mom 3) etc...

On the web interface, each of the Notes(actions) have a checkbox next to them. On the iPhone and the Windows Desktop, the checkbox doesn't appear.



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Moderator commented: We'd love to see an integration with a dedicated task management application via our API, however. http://www.evernote.com/about/developer/

Since there are so many different ToDo and project mgmt web apps available -- all with their own unique qualities and hazards -- instead of choosing just one, would it be possible for a notebook to become a browser window (or choose that one be imbedded) that is assigned to a specific URL? So, if I really like Remember The Milk vs. TaDalist OR if I like something more project oriented like basecamp or centraldesktop I can have that key (to me) web tool LIVE INSIDE of Evernote. Seems like that would make Evernote all the more "sticky" for users.

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I think we're going to try to achieve this by enabling links to notes within Evernote clients, so you can copy a URL for a particular note and then paste it into your preferred ToDo list app on your desktop instead.


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  • 1 year later...

Count me as one who NEEDS a full task management/to do solution. This is why I'm using Evernote in the first place. Toodledo doesn't handle file attachments properly. The todo solutions that Evernote partners have developed also don't deal with file attachments properly, if at all. I would be happy to assist anyone with testing on Mac, Windows, iPad or iPhone.

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For what it's worth, here's my ToDo solution:

I use Evernote for all kinds of collections, organizations and even minor, daily to do lists for immediate doing (honeydo lists mostly). For much more robust and comprehensive task management, I use Astrid for Android. It has a fantastic interface, great widgets— I have one of my home pages dedictated to 4 different to do lists: Work projects, Home projects, Kid activities, Freelance projects. I then sync to Producteev on my desktop (also works great with Google Tasks). They both work very well together and allow for all kinds of tagging, alarms, notifications, reminders, etc.

It's a pretty slick combination and I can understand how/why Evernote doesn't get into this depth of task management. There are a ton of apps out there, but this combo works great for me.

For my EN to do lists that don't require the in-depth calendaring and reminders, I make shortcuts to my homepage and is very easy to access, checkoff, etc. As much as I would LOVE Evernote by my be-all-end-all for EVERYTHING, like task management and bar code scanning (a big push for me on this forum :), I use EN for virtually everything else.

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