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Default first note when a notebook is shared with a web link

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  • Level 5*

Nope, not that I am aware of. You could make a note with a special title, creation date and updated date that are pre-jiggered to sort to the head of the note list for common sorting choices. You could also just make a note with a special title, and tell your sharee's (e.g., "Overview") to look for that note.

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The way I do it is to add an "!" in front of the title of my note.  So, the title looks like this:  !Index Note, or !Default Note.

I then have my notes sorted by "Title".  The exclamation point puts my note in front of all other title letters.

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  • Level 5*

I thought the notes in a shared notebook opened in Created Date order by default.  So change the creation date of your 'home page" note to 01/01/2200 and it will always be first in the queue.  If you also use that note as an index with links to all the other notes in that notebook and have <back and forward> links too,  you can run the notebook more or less like an external website.

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Thanks for all the input. 


I ended up creating an "About this Notebook" note that had the introductory / title page information and a link to the notebook. 

I distributed the link to the note, which then let people open the full notebook. It's a bit of a kludge, but it works. 


All the other solutions rely on having to tell people what to do, using ugly names or other workarounds.


Being able to set a default "first page to open" does seem like a good feature.

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