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Small Tagging Issue


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I did a search and didn't see this exact issue. When I scan a note in and go to tag it, I type the first couple letters, highlight the correct tag and hit enter. Then I do the same again in the new tag box that pops up, except when I hit enter, the box just empties, but without listing my tag. I can circumvent by going to the info button and entering the tag there, but I can't do as I have always done. 

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  • Level 5*

I have something similar to this as well.


It happens to me when the tag area in the window is full and you have to press the arrows and add new tag. This brings up a pop up window where you enter the tag name. If I press the OK button on the screen, Evernote never recognizes that I added the tag. I must press the keyboard Enter button for it to stick.


This is especially annoying as I'm on a touch screen device.


I'm currently on the 5.4 beta 2, but the bug has been present since at least 5.3. I'm on a Windows 8.1 (Update 1) x64 machine.

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  • Level 5

I noticed this when Evernote did their big UI upgrade to version 5. I changed my procedure and now force each note to maximum full screen before adding tags. Yes, it is slow and tedious.


I have a feeling that the developers only test Evernote upgrades using one or two short tags for a note. If they tested with 4 or 5 longer tags on a note, they would have caught this issue. Since we are only users in this forum, we won't find the real reason for creating this problem.

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