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Running Evernote in Wine on Linux

Danny Staple

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I've been (mostly with success) running Wine 5.0.3 under wine on Linux quite happily. However - when there are problems - I am having trouble getting the download links.


The https://evernote.com/download/ site shows blanks for it, perhaps unless I fake the user agent.


So two things:

If you are trying to use evernote in wine under Linux - there is an App DB entry for it with tips/tricks at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=28945.


Does anyone have the URL for the actual windows download - to save me having to do that? It would be great if the site would default to "choose your OS" if it didn't detect something it wanted.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I installed Wine 1.62 


$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install wine1.6
$ sudo apt-get install winetricks


Then configured Wine's default to Windows 7. 


I installed Evernote 5.3.1363 with no issues. 


Just thought I'd pass this along. 

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In general EN under wine works pretty well - I typically get a freeze once every couple of days, but haven't lost any data because of it. However the new annotation and presentation mode features (which spawn a separate process) do NOT seem to work under wine - if anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful!


The open source Nixnote EN client is also available, and is undergoing a complete re-write - the second beta was just released at http://sourceforge.net/projects/nevernote/.


If you stick with wine, there are a few tricks to get EN looking its best (based on ubuntu, but should be generic):


1. Install some fonts: 


winetricks tahoma

winetricks corefonts


2. Configure wine font smoothing


bash winefontssmoothing_en.sh
3. Configure wine to open attachments with native apps
I have a regedit file that repeats this kind of trick for each filetype I want to open:
"Content Type"="application/pdf"
@="C:\\windows\\system32\\winebrowser.exe \"%1\""
then simply load this with regedit.
Good luck!
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  • 5 weeks later...



Do you have a valid Windows license?  If so, you could use a virtual machine to run the Evernote client.  I currently run windows all around, but I am considering going to Linux to make some things easier (maintenance, etc.).  There are still a few programs that I use in Windows that have no Linux equivalent so I need to run back to Windows every now and then.  This is what I am considering as a solution over Wine.


Just a thought.



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I've been there and done that. I have a valid XP in a VM for some apps, and used it before for Evernote, but it is generally a really crappy way to do stuff. Clipboard integration is really dodgy, plenty of memory is hogged and in my experience it's a better user experience having a second machine and using synergy to link them, or Wine. it is a real shame that the web client is so vastly inferior to the desktop windows/mac clients - if it had only more of the features of the desktop (like key shortcuts and Drag n drop support) it would be awesome...



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