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About ficestat

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  1. What's the official feature request process at Evernote? In the interim I'll submit a support ticket stating it's a feature request. Hopefully their developers review feature requests and priority is given to feature requests with the most submissions backing them. Fingers crossed.
  2. I need this feature too. Reading black text on a white background is difficult for long periods of time. I've love to change the background color to to a legal pad yellow and have the ruled lines. That would make reading notes MUCH easier for me. I'm reading a lot of AWS service faqs, which I copied into Evernote, at the moment -- lots of text a lot to read.
  3. Goal: Run Evernote in Linux OS: Linux Mint Mate 16x 64 bit and Cinnamon 16x 64 bit Use Case: I'm learning Linux to prepare for the LPI LPIC-1 test and am also learning Amazon Web Services. I was highly motivated to figure out a solution to run Linux at home, on my laptop, and at work as my primary OS to think and work in Linux all the time. Evernote has been a priceless learning tool for me, but of course there's no native app for Linux. I hope the Evernote team develops a Linux version of Evernote. My suggestion would be to implement ads into the Linux application. That's how Google makes money with its services. A lot of developers implement ads into their Android apps to whet your appetite. Then you can choose to buy their paid app version to remove the annoying ads. This is just a suggestion. If Linux people don't like this option, then they don't have to download the paid version of Evernote. I recently did some testing. 1. Nixnote - It's not bad but it's built on java. It's a big bulky sometimes slow application. It does work. Sort of. I was using Nixnote a few days ago, when the sync failed to the Evernote servers. Now my data is stored locally and it will not resync to the Evernote servers. I've tried printing the note to PDF using cups, but for some reason the printer doesn't display. Other users have experienced this issue. I went down a long rabbit hole of troubleshooting this issue, and finally stopped after investing many hours. After this experience, it was hard to trust Nixnote again, but that's the risk you take using a non-official application. 2. Everpad - I didn't test after the Nixnote experience. My time is really limited. 3. Virtualbox + Windows 7 I setup a VM running Windows 7 32bit. I enabled the shared clipboard feature (using Host to Guest) and seamless windows. I rebooted the VM, installed Evernote, and took a snapshot of the VM. I copied and pasted a an image using Shutter and pasted the .jpg into Evernote! The seamless window feature is awesome; you have the Evernote application in its own application window. It almost feels like the app is running natively I hope this helps someone else.
  4. Yes, please create recurring reminders in Evernote. I'd like to drive my organization/life from Evernote and not Google Calendar reminders
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