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(Archived) Feature Requests

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I have been a prolific user of Evernote for over 9 months and recently upgraded to the premium service and find that it is one of my most used apps on my iMac, MacBook and iPhone. I write a regular column for an online technology magazine and use Evernote to file all items that I read either from web pages, email press releases or via RSS feeds.

I have a number of suggestions for future updates:

Provide the ability to Edit Pictures taken by iSight or iPhone, just basic functions such as crop, rotate

Enable Search criteria based on a period of time, not since a certain date i.e. past 7 days, 30 days etc.

Provide the ability to flag items, with a colour, i.e. Red Flag.

To Do works okay but need to be able to identify todo note by highlighting unfinished todos, setting a date etc. Also allow the "unfinished" attribute tag to be moved to the top of the left hand pane.

Provide the ability to clip to Evernote via the iPhone Safari interface - similar to the method used by another iPhone app Instapaper

Ability to mark Favourite items from with the Mac interface, with a large number of items this very difficult to do from iPhone interface

Provide an RSS reader so that feeds can be download direct to Evernote, or build an interface to some of the popular RRS readers - the one I use is NetNewsWire.

Thanks and I hope to see some of these suggestions in future releases.


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Enable Search criteria based on a period of time, not since a certain date i.e. past 7 days, 30 days etc.

does [created] do what you want?

To Do works okay but need to be able to identify todo note by highlighting unfinished todos, setting a date etc. Also allow the "unfinished" attribute tag to be moved to the top of the left hand pane.

you can search for [todo] and use the subject date to set a due date.

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Thanks for the feedback. In addition to Sam's replies, you can crop new images in our iphone app by pinching the image to the size you want to clip. We'll crop at the edge of the screen.

On the desktop, you can right-click on an image to open it in your favorite image editor. When you save the image, it goes back into Evernote.

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Sam, Thanks very much for the suggestions.

Created:day-7 works fine but this search argument appears to have a limit of one digit, so that created:day-30 is not accepted.

After writing this I found another response from you to a previous question that pointed to the Evernote API. Section C: Evernote search grammar. From the documentation it would appear that (C.2.2) created:day-30 should work, but it doesn't appear to for me. I am using Evernote for Mac 1.4.0 running on Mac OS X 10.5.6. Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem?

todo:true also works as far as I can understand it, but please clarify what you mean by setting the subject date to a due date. Is this the created date or the updated date or another field that I am unaware of.

Thanks, again for taking the time to respond.

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Thanks for your response, Pinch on the iPhone works great.

On the desktop, I am using a Mac and tried your suggestion to open with iPhoto, crop the image but then when it saved it (click apply) it didn't update in Evernote. I was only able to create a new note and drag the cropped image into the new note. My question is this something I am doing wrong or just the way Evernote works with iPhoto?

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Hm, that's strange, but I've never used iPhoto much, so can't say how that works.

I just did a quick test and it worked with Preview: right-click Open With Preview, then selected a rectangle, Cmd-K to crop, Save, Quit.

The cropped image showed up in Evernote right away.

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please clarify what you mean by setting the subject date to a due date. Is this the created date or the updated date or another field that I am unaware of.

If you edit the note attributes you should be able to set the subject date, it is separate from the created and modified dates. I assume the Mac client has a Note List view similar to the windows client, the Subject Date is a column, in that view.

With my own system I also tag them "Future". I can then search for [tag] or [subjectDate] to find them, and [tag] to find overdue items.

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Thanks again, it seems that the Mac client is not the same, there are only two dates shown: created and updated. But as these can be changed then I can set the created date to the future and then tag on this.

Thanks again for your help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

flagging and color tagging would be great and i would really like to organize my notebooks with subfolders.

alto i wish the iphone app was more useful (i'm sure its limited by the current technology) but searching and syncing are extremely slow and crash prone.

but overall i'm very satisfied with your development of evernote.

thanks for the hard work!


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  • 1 year later...

alto i wish the iphone app was more useful (i'm sure its limited by the current technology) but searching and syncing are extremely slow and crash prone.

i fully agree with this point although the iphone app seems to be improving. the ipad app seems much more stable and reliable on the other hand.

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